What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



1,347 posts

44 months

Sunday 9th June
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I bought an African / Cape Daisy plant from a roadside stall in Cornwall, while I was down there on holiday last year.

It’s a hardy little bugger and, although it looked a little worse for wear over the winter, it’s now blooming a treat and seems pretty settled in Hampshire biggrin


1,114 posts

137 months

Sunday 9th June
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T1547 said:
Cleared the old decking, finished building the side of the pond, turned over the soil and added topsoil/compost. Will give it a week or two now to settle before adding turf. Think the existing lawn will be glad of some time to recover too, it’s taken a bit of a hammering carrying old timber across it and getting trampled in mud.

Edited by T1547 on Monday 27th May 18:31
Turf laid

Chicken Chaser

7,957 posts

227 months

Sunday 9th June
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T1547 said:
Turf laid

Lovely garden. Lots of foliage.

My Amelanchier tree appears to have died. All of the leaves have turned brown and crispy. I think the ground has just been too waterlogged for it.


2,715 posts

187 months

Tuesday 11th June
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Last year it was a glorious riot of red.

This year it's rotted off at the base

Edited by netherfield on Tuesday 11th June 10:21


743 posts

168 months

Tuesday 11th June
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As promised, a photo of the new born fawn, Claudia smile

4 days old now, and mum seemed happy to let the little ‘un run around a bit today. Still safe within the confines of the walled part of the garden, but gradually coming out from under cover so I got the first (poor) photo. The stripes on her back were really quite vivid.

I’ll let the chat return back to plants now!

Turtle Shed

1,631 posts

29 months

Tuesday 11th June
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spikey fellows having breakfast.

There were actually three, but I only got a pic of two.

They got a bit fighty, so in future we're going to scatter the food around rather than feeding bowls.


10,060 posts

221 months

Sunday 16th June
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Weather really isn’t helping but some bright spots


743 posts

168 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Our roses were starting to appear out a month ago, but only one opened out as the rest wouldn’t brave the sleet, rain and cold temps.

A few days of warmth and they’re now going mad.

This is half the climber on the south side of the cottage. Plenty of buds itching to open and it should be a proper show throughout the summer.


10,060 posts

221 months

Trying for some Black lilies this year.


8,768 posts

184 months

Still really pleased with how the meadow is looking - oxeye daisy now slowly finishing, so that means collecting seed. Surprisingly addictive and very satisfying. Sweet peas still producing huge amounts of bloom, running out of room at home.


23,412 posts

178 months

mcelliott said:
Still really pleased with how the meadow is looking - oxeye daisy now slowly finishing, so that means collecting seed. Surprisingly addictive and very satisfying. Sweet peas still producing huge amounts of bloom, running out of room at home.

That looks fantastic. Would love to hear how you’ve gone about that as I understand it is quite difficult to do ? We’ve got a paddock which we’re letting nature take its course in so would love to do something like this.

Edited by Cheib on Tuesday 2nd July 10:07


1,121 posts

46 months

Same - I remember you had a thread going about the entire property as a whole but would love to know the start up and ongoing process of something like this. It looks absolutely stunning and you need to get a drone or something for more shots!


8,732 posts

109 months

The usual deer wandering around, but the main wildlife news is a partridge chick…. We have a squad wandering around waiting for the shooting season, but I noticed one sitting on the ground under the bird feeder… it stood up and this tiny chick wa underneath… small, furry and about the size of my thumb. Seemed happy enough and wandered off into the bushes with mum. Hope it didn’t get blown away today…


11,760 posts

179 months

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8,768 posts

184 months

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beambeam1 said:
Same - I remember you had a thread going about the entire property as a whole but would love to know the start up and ongoing process of something like this. It looks absolutely stunning and you need to get a drone or something for more shots!
Thanks both, yes I have a build thread going that I will update in the coming weeks now we have pemission to build a house on the site.

The meadow itself was formerly part of a large greenhouse site, that was cleared and clean up as much as possible a lot by hand actually, then I spent around 30 hrs tilling the surface, seed was sown in spring last year, first up was poppies and corn flower with cosmos and sunflower, this year was the turn of the oxeye which was sown at the same time but only bloomed this year, next year we plan to open more land this time with a mix of sunflower, cornflower, and Mediterranean sage.


Original Poster:

3,572 posts

224 months

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mcelliott said:
Still really pleased with how the meadow is looking - oxeye daisy now slowly finishing, so that means collecting seed. Surprisingly addictive and very satisfying. Sweet peas still producing huge amounts of bloom, running out of room at home.

Envious - our areas we seeded this year have not done very well. In fact the smaller areas are ok but the bigger ones look patchy to say the least! I definitely over seeded the smaller areas and they are looking lush! Won’t be sticking to the prescribed seeding rate next year!