What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



52,007 posts

287 months

Saturday 1st June
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The Three D Mucketeer said:
RichB said:
It's been all hands on deck this last week innpreparation for opening the garden tomorrow charity smile

Just planning on the Two visitors then jester and no beer stout
Tea and cakes, no beer smile


8,768 posts

184 months

Saturday 1st June
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thepritch said:
mcelliott said:
The oxeye daisy has just about reached its peak, and gives us immense pleasure.

Wow! smile

How many years has it taken to reach this density? Did you seed / plant them?
Thank you guys, the site was formally a large greenhouse vinery which we pulled down, got as much crap out of the soil, the spent an autumn and winter prepping it, we sowed the first patch in the spring of last year, mostly poppies cosmos and other stuff, the oxeye geminated as well but didn't flower until this year, any weeds have been smothered by the yellow rattle that was in the seed mix, at the end of the summer we will collect the seed heads by hand and ether sell them or use them for other areas. We also in the next few months plan to start building our new house in the top corner of the site, where the packing shed is visible in one of the pics, once we start moving I will start a build thread for anyone interested.


882 posts

152 months

Sunday 2nd June
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In my garden today, a Buzzard swooped and picked off one of the Moor Hen chicks from the duck house in our pond. Unfortunately his constant companions the crows mobbed him as he made his getaway and he dropped his dinner.

The chick was 3-4 weeks old and did not survive. This brood have been quite successful with 4 of the 7 still alive. We recently found a half eaten Mallard floating in the pond and I suspect this Buzzard might be a regular visitor.

No pics of the drama I’m afraid, but this is one of the chicks when they were a few days old.


1,347 posts

44 months

Sunday 2nd June
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This fine looking fella has been hanging around all day in my garden.


26,646 posts

183 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Strawbs and chillis doing pretty well.


2,796 posts

139 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Those strawberries look good... and early ! Here in Yorkshire ours are still at the small green thingy stage but hopefully it won't be long now.

Meanwhile... a bird in the hand, this is a nuthatch in our garden today, resting briefly before heading off into the Dale.


743 posts

168 months

Sunday 2nd June
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No photos, but a lot of work this weekend as it’s the first weekend this year where we had time and the weather was dry.

A good meter or two cut off an overgrown cherry laurel which we forgot to cut back last year so it needed some really heavy maintenance.

A ton of weeding. A little too late in some areas as the grass / weeds had smothered a few of our new lavenders so they’ve died. So we now have a big bare patch.

And then removed a huge amount of nettles, so arms are now dappled with stings.

Still didn’t get the hanging baskets planted or grass mowed.


12,731 posts

174 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Just cut the grass then sat down and had a Guinness or 10


8,768 posts

184 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Loving the pics, fantastic.


24,804 posts

261 months

Sunday 2nd June
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the-norseman said:
Just cut the grass then sat down and had a Guinness or 10

Your pergola looks exactly like the one i've ordered from Hygee - how you getting on with it?


57,065 posts

207 months

Sunday 2nd June
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We got a bunch of assorted perennial plug plants through the post, 87 of them, so I potted them up. Surveying my work it occurred to me that the slugs were probably watching and thinking “cool, a buffet”.


4,498 posts

229 months

Monday 3rd June
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Just over 2 years ago a corner of the garden looked like this:

After much building, landscaping and planting work it now looks like this:

I’m fairly pleased with the outcome for a first attempt at a big planting exercise from scratch. The alliums are over 5’ tall, the bees love them.

It’s nice to see some wildlife coming into the garden, there wasn’t anything here for them before.


1,121 posts

46 months

Monday 3rd June
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mcelliott said:
Loving the pics, fantastic.
Same. This is quite an uplifting thread, thoroughly enjoy it.

Not much going on in our garden yet but the little one wanted her bug hotel planted in the corner and has been inspecting it daily for "wee bugs". The ease at which she squats down to check on the ants and ladybirds leaves my own joints aching in jealousy whilst the way she says "wee bugs" in her Scottish accent warms my heart. Garden will be getting new patio and lawn soon but we have a lovely thicket of trees behind and overhanging the garden to encourage plenty of wildlife still.

Front is just a dull patch of turf, small and typical of new build estates - I am tempted to just plant loads of lavender and create some sort of rockery as I quite miss the lavender at our old house, it was teeming with bees at this time of year.

Edited by beambeam1 on Monday 3rd June 04:51

Edited by beambeam1 on Monday 3rd June 05:00


52,007 posts

287 months

Monday 3rd June
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Raised approaching £400 for the charity garden open day... smile



26,646 posts

183 months

Monday 3rd June
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Nice one RichB. Lovely when the Lord of the Manor lets the villagers in. hehe

More seriously, lovely garden and nice fundraising.


57,065 posts

207 months

Monday 3rd June
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I just snipped 103 slugs in half in about ten minutes. Time to top up the nematodes.


57,065 posts

207 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Just been out and killed another 70. This is not a large garden.


743 posts

168 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Managed to get out for a few hours tonight and cut the grass. Came in with no ticks - result!

Wildlife update : Scratchy (our resident female deer) has been around all day today - being very ‘clingy’ to a particular area of the garden. I strongly suspect she’s just given birth. The last two years she’s given birth to fawns in the same spot and time - early to mid June.

Will post up if we get any photos.


4,135 posts

205 months

Tuesday 4th June
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RichB said:
Raised approaching £400 for the charity garden open day... smile

Your garden gets ever more impressive. That looks stunning.


8,768 posts

184 months

Friday 7th June
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Just cutting in and tidying up the paths around the meadow, everything looking pretty good and is awash with wildlife.