What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



1,118 posts

137 months

Monday 27th May
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Cleared the old decking, finished building the side of the pond, turned over the soil and added topsoil/compost. Will give it a week or two now to settle before adding turf. Think the existing lawn will be glad of some time to recover too, it’s taken a bit of a hammering carrying old timber across it and getting trampled in mud.

Edited by T1547 on Monday 27th May 18:31


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Monday 27th May
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Evening visitors - low light and terrible phone picture having to zoom in a little way, but often have some pop in when we leave the driveway gates open, one definitely looks like she’s carrying a baby or two.


7,380 posts

241 months

Tuesday 28th May
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The Three D Mucketeer said:
The Blue Spruce cones forming (every two years)
Interesting; is the two-year budding period common for spruces? I've a couple of spruces in my yard that do this from time to time (you can tell I've not got green fingers) and I've wondered in the past why some years they don't - it would make sense if it was every other year.

e.g. Weeping Norwegian Spruce:

The Three D Mucketeer

6,011 posts

230 months

Tuesday 28th May
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My only visitor


2,613 posts

61 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Spent the weekend painting and erecting this bd, after the wife promising she had ordered the painted one…( She lied !)


8,770 posts

184 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Been cutting pathways - one in my 'lawn', and the others around our grazing field, plus a path with a mini crop circle, just big enough for a small table and chairs and a bottle of wine. Lovely.


4,357 posts

194 months

Friday 31st May
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Some lovely photos in this thread.

Latest in my garden:

These bad boys, as big as your hand.

Lovely rose with a beautiful smell.

A new delicate Iris I’ve not seen before.

& down the wild end of my garden. Wild Teasel, 6 foot tall, Compost bin for scale.


4,503 posts

171 months

Friday 31st May
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It's certainly not the standard immaculate PH 1/2 acre garden in Surrey but it still brings us endless pleasure and is very heavily managed for wildlife, who equally appear to appreciate our efforts.

This combo of self-seeded nigella, spirea, geum and snow-in-summer gives a nice backdrop for my car currently at the front:

Out back it's getting very green and jungley with a few things in flower.

Flag iris just over and a massive of elder behind the pond:

Tangerine dream, not at its best this year, plus a rose and the pyracantha in full flower:

Pyracantha very popular with the rose chafers:

Azure blue damsels on the pond:

We get a lot of slow worms in the back and out front so I manage it heavily for them, lots of rough/wild areas, log piles and slates to bask under (always in use):

Also get hedgehogs, who usually breed here, so they have houses and suitable habitat too


750 posts

168 months

Friday 31st May
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Japveesix said:
It's certainly not the standard immaculate PH 1/2 acre garden in Surrey but it still brings us endless pleasure and is very heavily managed for wildlife, who equally appear to appreciate our efforts.
It’s not a contest, and I’m loving everyone’s garden pictures, but I do love yours…. Don’t take this the wrong way but some of those flowers and plants look ‘wild meadow’ like which I really enjoy. Think I’ll show my wife as they’re the colors and types of flowers we bad in mind for an area just behind our house. And we too enjoy having the wildlife here.

What other animals do you get?

Lovely smile


8,770 posts

184 months

Friday 31st May
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Our sweet peas are going bonkers, literally collecting handfuls daily for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Also doing a small experiment on planting a row of sunflowers on our rough patch. If they're successful we'll do a much larger block next year, which we're excited about. The oxeye daisy has just about reached its peak, and gives us immense pleasure.


750 posts

168 months

Saturday 1st June
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mcelliott said:
The oxeye daisy has just about reached its peak, and gives us immense pleasure.

Wow! smile

How many years has it taken to reach this density? Did you seed / plant them?


4,503 posts

171 months

Saturday 1st June
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mcelliott said:
This is great, definitely something to aspire to for me. Both the wildlife friendly land and the vintage tractor!

I've been letting the weeds (wildflowers) grow the last few years. Generally only remove bramble, nettle and bindweed nowadays and then only because I have little kids for the first two.

Herb Robert with valerian (great pollinator plant) and buddleia coming through the middle.

Ragwort in the middle of the garden (not yet in flower), perhaps the most pollinator covered flower we get:

Hogweed, this is self seeding a bit and I sometimes remove them purely because they take up so much space:

The rough and wild corner (well one of them...). Great mullein, slender dock, nettle, woundwort, hawkweed and various others. I mostly just leave things to grow here and see what happens:

We get a lot of butterflies for a fairly small urban garden. Speckled wood in pic, plus things like common blue and meadow butterflies because we have long grass areas.

Obligatory frog (newt/frog wars are ongoing)

We've definitely spent more time watching the wildlife in the last 9 years here than we have watching TV. Badger, fox, squirrel, woodpeckers, jays, tits (wahey!), dragonflies and so on. There's always something to see and hopefully my two boys will grow up loving nature and happy outside too. We'll definitely miss the garden more than the house when we move.


7,731 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st June
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An unexpected Dutch iris in the front garden. I may have planted it, I genuinely can't remember!


750 posts

168 months

Saturday 1st June
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Our cotoneaster is alive with bees and wasps. Tens, if not a hundred or so at one time. The sound of buzzing is immense and they're not interested in anything else.

And as a few posters were talking wildlife, we are lucky to have a family of red squirrels here. They are here every day, but this morning, this little chap finding his winter cache.

Cotoneaster video here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ben0509uk/5376194689...

Reddy video here : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ben0509uk/5376174069...


8,753 posts

109 months

Saturday 1st June
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What's happening in my gargen today? Mainly weeding, and I hate it. Seems that weeds grow more strongly than anything, just impossible to keep on top of the things. Tried chemicals, matting, bark, it's just s continuous job.


52,059 posts

287 months

Saturday 1st June
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It's been all hands on deck this last week innpreparation for opening the garden tomorrow charity smile


52,059 posts

287 months

Saturday 1st June
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It's been all hands on deck this last week innpreparation for opening the garden tomorrow charity smile


26,666 posts

183 months

Saturday 1st June
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I cut this rose today. It's from a plant called 'Congratulations' that my late parents gave me after a promotion. It smells lovely.

I've moved it around with me for the last 30 years and have a significant sentimental attachment to it.


1,286 posts

214 months

Saturday 1st June
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The roses have suddenly gone bonkers here.

As have the pots

Not a huge geranium type plant fan but this one is a fabulous colour

The Three D Mucketeer

6,011 posts

230 months

Saturday 1st June
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RichB said:
It's been all hands on deck this last week innpreparation for opening the garden tomorrow charity smile

Just planning on the Two visitors then jester and no beer stout