Have you put your heating on yet?

Have you put your heating on yet?



2,091 posts

190 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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No heating been on yet. Lounge currently 18.5°C but the chimney was swept today so wood burner might be in action soon.


20,083 posts

119 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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bobbo89 said:
Nah, not yet and not for a while either. Its still fairly warm IMO but I also wear shorts all year round so there might just be something wrong with me!
Are you a postman? Nearly all the ones round here are shorted and booted most of the year.


4,966 posts

220 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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Fore Left said:
I've never understood this turning it off and on. Mine stays on all year. If it gets cold it comes on. Its got cold so, yes, the heating is on smile
Why don't you time it so it doesn't come on late evening and night when you are in bed? It gets colder at night, so your heating is going to be coming on earlier in the year and when you can't appreciate it because you are already toasty under a duvet.


20,083 posts

119 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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surveyor said:
The dog's pleased with the heating...

Just like my house. The animals are warmer and eat better than me. (Lovely K9 by the way.)

Edited by WD39 on Saturday 15th October 18:57


3,422 posts

193 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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HTP99 said:
Funk said:
Mine lives around 18-20 degrees. Too warm gives me a headache.
Same here; when I have control anyway, I absolutely hate a hot house, some of my friends whack theirs up so it is stifling, I just can't bear it.

If it too hot I get all stuffy and agitated.
I'm the same. I work outside all day so anything warmer than that feels warm. 18 is what I set it to for myself than 19.5-20 if guests are coming over. nothing to do with money its just the way I like it.


17,959 posts

187 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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WD39 said:
surveyor said:
The dog's pleased with the heating...

Just like my house. The animals are warmer and eat better than me. (Lovely K9 by the way.)

Edited by WD39 on Saturday 15th October 18:57
Cheers. He's a bit happier tonight...

Mr Snrub

25,065 posts

230 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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Yes, set it for an hour each in the morning and evening, as well as liberal use of the gas fire. I'm currently living at my grandparent's former house and have lots of happy childhood memories of sitting next to it in the winter, so I'm feeling quite nostalgic. It also gives my cat something to stare at.


8,743 posts

203 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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Sheets Tabuer

19,292 posts

218 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Came in to work and the heating is blazing away, it's like a sodding furnace.


1,928 posts

164 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Sheets Tabuer said:
Came in to work and the heating is blazing away, it's like a sodding furnace.
I can't stand this, why are we running the heating every day at certain times, surely we should be having it running to some form of setpoint. At least our windows open, so all that heat can go straight out the window when we all open them!


5,277 posts

133 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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I put it on in September about the 3rd week, now I have it on every morning set to 22 degrees, I refuse to be cold to save a few quid a year.


9,298 posts

231 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Nope, nowhere near cold enough yet, still wearing shorts around the house and sleeping with the windows open.

Came into the office this morning and some muppet had put the heating on, must have been 80 degrees, needless to say it's now off and the windows are all open, a lovely breeze blowing through.


1,302 posts

187 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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On a slight tangent, I'm having my heating put in today so I'll be able to see what all the fuss is about smile


18,035 posts

201 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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K50 DEL said:
Nope, nowhere near cold enough yet, still wearing shorts around the house and sleeping with the windows open.

Came into the office this morning and some muppet had put the heating on, must have been 80 degrees, needless to say it's now off and the windows are all open, a lovely breeze blowing through.
I fking love your Volvo ecto 1 on your profile picture laugh

C0ffin D0dger

3,440 posts

148 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Nope, seeing if I can go until at least the end of October.

Has been on a bit at work though furious


12,880 posts

158 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Fire has been on but no heating till November if I get my way


9,298 posts

231 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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moanthebairns said:
K50 DEL said:
Nope, nowhere near cold enough yet, still wearing shorts around the house and sleeping with the windows open.

Came into the office this morning and some muppet had put the heating on, must have been 80 degrees, needless to say it's now off and the windows are all open, a lovely breeze blowing through.
I fking love your Volvo ecto 1 on your profile picture laugh

I rather regret the fact that we scrapped it actually - it was done for the Staples 2 Naples banger rally in 2006, caused no end of a stir driving through Europe, even got sent a video of us on an Italian highway.


3,296 posts

208 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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My heating's never off - on the thermostat, if it gets to cold it kicks in, if not cold it doesn't.

Am I doing this right.

OK - might admit to turning it up when it gets really cold but I haven't yet.


25,545 posts

195 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Thermostat's set at a constant temperature in my flat and the heating did come on the other night for the first time. My wife's had the fire lit at home a few evenings too but then again she seems to run several degrees hotter than me anyway.


26,409 posts

212 months

Thursday 5th October 2017
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Stat is set to ~17 degrees and heating will come on if it drops below that (hasn't yet). I currently still have windows open slightly 24/7!