Should the government "cap" house values?

Should the government "cap" house values?

Poll: Should the government "cap" house values?

Total Members Polled: 333

Yes: 5%
No: 95%


Original Poster:

1,026 posts

234 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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What do you guys think?

Just a random thought, but if local councils or whoever had the power to set local house values depending on area / size etc etc etc would this be such a bad thing?

Obviously its way more complicated than that, but if it was possible, could it help us move away from the idea of property as an investment?

Im no communist but to me a house is a place to live and enjoy your free time, and whilst some are obviously better / nicer than others for a million reasons, its still not something that should be an investment...


2,154 posts

194 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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My local council can't even empty my bions properly. Just try to imagine the almighty hash-up they'd make of capping house prices!


31,653 posts

236 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Bloody communists.


17,517 posts

213 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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I've heard some dumb ideas.

You've just won this weeks prize though.


35,295 posts

261 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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This is probably the silliest idea I have seen posted here this year.


3,527 posts

234 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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If you are suggesting 'this' government doing it, then I would say no. They are incapable of tieing their own shoe laces.

I quite like the idea though


45,899 posts

192 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Mike400 said:
What do you guys think?

Just a random thought
I think you should stop having random thoughts. And if you can't do that, certainly stop sharing them.

Internet forum today; Labour Party policy tomorrow! nono


20,120 posts

216 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Yes, Gordon Brown should control all aspects of the markets and once he has that power he should stop the tides.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Mike400 said:
What do you guys think?
stop coming up with ideas


20,120 posts

216 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Mike400 said:
Im no communist but to me a house is a place to live and enjoy your free time, and whilst some are obviously better / nicer than others for a million reasons, its still not something that should be an investment...
Why should you or the government determine what is and what is not an investment?


4,615 posts

213 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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"A excewwent idea"

Kieran XJR

5,986 posts

216 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Why stop at houses, why not all asset prices, cars, food, etc?


88,941 posts

287 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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It would stop people from making housing improvements and how would you cap a house that has a larger garden to it's identical neighbours or a large conservatory or a very high quality interior.

Do you work for a Labour paid think tank?


17,517 posts

213 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Just an idea what is the cap rate?

I would like to buy this then. If less than 300k.


7,765 posts

228 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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sounds to me like an absolutely insane, crazy, fkwit idea that would only be considered by complete toss bag morons.

i guess it will be enforced this time next week.

Edited by DucatiGary on Monday 1st December 17:31


3,527 posts

234 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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does that mean stamp duty would also be capped

Lord Croker

7,078 posts

192 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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You're the one who needs to be capped shoot

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

202 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Has someone popped a "cap" in you brain?

How could it possibly work, and who would want it to?


2,145 posts

211 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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There are a million and one problems with this.

The main one being, sure the price may be capped at 200k for a 4bed in area x. But if no one is willing to sell for 200k, it's completely irrelevant. You could join the 15 year waiting list to buy a house like that and end up with one you didn't like - does this really sound like a good idea ?

It's like 3rd world countries that run price controls, but the shops don't actually have anything to sell.

In theory the idea is incredibly appealing, but in reality it's incredibly stupid.


20,156 posts

230 months

Monday 1st December 2008
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Supply and demand.

Prices were recently pumped up by ill managed lending, that problem seems to be in the past (and future, no doubt...)