IMPC Coben


Simpo Two

Original Poster:

85,989 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th June
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(title read 'IMPC > Coben' but the '>' disappeared)

The 30 days notice expires tomorrow, and I've been trying to find Coben on the internet. There's a company in Spain, and one in Canada, and a bloke called Harlan Coben.

It may have been mentioned in another thread, but for clarity can someone tell IMPC investors exactly what 'Coben' is? Is it an existing and long-standing financial company of excellent reputation, or just a brand name plucked from the air a month ago? And if so why?Thanks!

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

85,989 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Ah yes, thanks, I do remember something about that.

If I search for both names together I get

- who do this:

Perhaps it will have something about private clients soon.

Edited by Simpo Two on Tuesday 25th June 12:10

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

85,989 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th June
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IMPCbC said:
I understand there will be a new site available shortly and a welcome post will be made Thursday.
Thanks Adam; I wonder I was hoping to 'join the dots' a bit more before the 30 days cut off, as there is so far no sign that the Cobens I see online is the Cobens that my money has gone to. They might have attended to the website rather sooner, as from what's showing it could be any company. Is the fact that the welcome post is set to appear on the 31st day coincidence?

Anyway, more importantly, the letter from Quai says 'You will have 30 days... to make a choice of what to do with your products'. If I do nothing, and Quai/Astute/Cobens take the reins, in what way is my choice altered/reduced? Or is it simply an admin issue and in fact I will have the same choice - ie leave or stay - before and after the 30 days?

Edited by Simpo Two on Tuesday 25th June 16:04

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

85,989 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th June
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IMPCbC said:
For clarity, everyone retains the right to move. The 30 days is the transition/notice period as I understand it.
OK, that's good. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't losing any options such as free transfers which might after tomorrow incur a cost.

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

85,989 posts

268 months

droopsnoot said:
That was what I was driving at, yes. I don't claim to have a lot of knowledge about which companies I should invest in, or why, which is why I go into funds where (hopefully) someone else knows. One of the reasons I've never had investments directly in individual businesses is because I don't want to spend the time analysing them to do the degree that Adam does. Maybe I'm losing out, maybe not.
We pay researchers to do that stuff so we don't have to. I don't need much detail, I'm interested in the bottom line; someone else can worry over the details of each stock.