Top 5 financial things to do before labour get in?

Top 5 financial things to do before labour get in?



Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Monday 27th May
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Having made an assumption rightly or wrongly that labour will get in, what should be the top 5 financial actions taken before labour get in.

I am by no means a finnacial expert !! In fact far from it.

So far I have I have come up with is pay max into pension before they reduce the threshold and pay school fees a year in advance to save the inevitable 20%.

Any other good ideas ?

Many thaks



Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Monday 27th May
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Phooey said:
Lube. Buy plenty of lube.
Lube bought !! See post two ! Married too long


Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Monday 27th May
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Whilst I appreciate all the views on and off the topic does anyone actually have any good ideas ?

Re the private school thing, pretty much every private school has always allowed you to pay 2(ish) years upfront.

Obviously what you can’t do is set up a scheme to avoid tax / vat on the the long term.



Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Tuesday 28th May
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bhstewie said:
Incidentally my guess is that if you're actually rich enough to have access to schemes that will save you from taxes from any government you'd be speaking to your tax advisor about it rather than asking on an Internet forum.

Just do sensible stuff and be very cautious of people suggesting things like advance payments and anything that's not yet been tested with HMRC.

Surprisingly you might not be the first to have thought of it smile
Thanks, I am indeed talking to advisors but I have also found having a wider view never hurts.

Re school fees, been paying 2 years in advance for years as I have a business that goes up and down with the weather (literally!) so always like to know where we are.

Over 2 years I can see an issue but many private schools have done the 2 year thing for years, back in the long gone 80's I rmember companies paying all the years schooling in one hit !! 5-18 !! and schools were very keen on the guaranteed cashflow!
