HMRC - 6 months for your tax rebate, Sir

HMRC - 6 months for your tax rebate, Sir


Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Tuesday 19th March
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My self-assessment submitted in January gave rise to a £7000.00 tax rebate. HMRC has not paid it.

The accountant has called them today and they are saying it will take up to a further sixteen (16) weeks for them to process it.

Also this week, I received a £100 fine from HMRC for allegedly paying around £17k CGT eleven days late. I am fairly sure however that it was paid on time.

It is taking the accountant around forty minutes on hold to get hold of anyone there and apparently they are about to shut down all their help desks.

I have always paid every penny of tax due, when it was due for payment; this really isn't cricket.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Tuesday 19th March
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gotoPzero said:
FWIW last year I was owed and it took about 6 weeks IIRC.

Mrs was the same.

Is it possible its been paid to your accountant <cough>..... thats how ours was paid.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Wednesday 20th March
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Newc said:
My SA was filed last July, large refund due and marked as 'Pending repayment' since then. I called every six weeks from October to be told "oh yes, payment instruction has been issued, definitely coming through in the next fortnight".

I've filed an official complaint through their online service, though I assume the same people not sending my money to me will be the same people not reading my complaint.
The consensus seems to be write to your MP, I think.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Wednesday 20th March
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Panamax said:
My experience has been the same. Over recent years HMRC has become appallingly slow at issuing refunds. Can't help wondering whether our penniless government has given a deliberate "go slow" directive - or perhaps a staff bonus scheme at HMRC encourages them to hold onto taxpayers' money for as long as possible. It's pretty outrageous.
The reason a rebate is due is that we have had to mothball our businesses, so we could really do with that money to keep it ticking over.

I can very well imagine HMRC deliberately paying slowly. The energy companies seem to be doing it. Basically they are bolstering cashflow at the customer's expense.

The trouble for HMRC being, I think, that people like us sometimes overpay tax in the knowledge that we can reclaim it. Why? Because it is easier and quicker if a filing deadline is nigh.

If HMRC continues playing silly buggers with rebates we may take a different view about overpaying.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Wednesday 20th March
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Swervin_Mervin said:
If there's one public body in this country that absolutely needs dismantling and rebuilding afresh...
Just about every public body I can call to mind is fighting tooth and nail for that privilege.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Thursday 21st March
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Mr Whippy said:
I usually get a bit of refund each year, last one was filed Nov/Dec iirc and I had the refund in 3 or 4 weeks.

Have things got really bad since late last year, or is this something to do with larger sums?

In my case it’s around £1,500.
They owed us £300 and £7000 for two different things. The £300 arrived in days. The £7k has not arrived.

Zio Di Roma

Original Poster:

411 posts

35 months

Friday 22nd March
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OldSkoolRS said:
I suppose I'll have to take back my sarcastic comment that I'd believe it when I saw my cheque for my rebate as it arrived this lunchtime after my phone call on Monday. Straight off to the bank to pay it in (though why I couldn't just have it paid directly to my bank I don't know). In total that has taken until nearly tax year 2024-25 to get a rebate for 2021-22 and 2022-23. Not a huge amount by PH CEO standards, but it would have kept me for about 6 months when I first finished work and of course no interest during a period when I could have got about 6%.

I'll reserve judgement however because I'm still wary of an extra amount they gave me for 2021-22 and wouldn't be surprised to see them ask for it back...
Aren't they supposed to pay interest at OBR - 1% or similar?