Savings interest rate thread

Savings interest rate thread



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180 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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Santander have launched an instant access E-Saver with 2.75% interest, paid monthly or annually if anyone is interested.

I had some savings in Chase and was going to move to Charter bank who were offering 2.38% but ID had to be copied and counter signed and sent in the mail which is too much like hard work these days.

Already a customer so took <1 min to apply and have the account ready to pay in.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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fat80b said:
opened a similar product with first direct the other day - 3.5% and £300 pm max
They are offering a regular e-saver with the same 2.75% too (not to be confused with this one) which is 2.75% from £1 to 250k.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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hairy v said:
Thanks - I'm an exisiting customer too, wish they would just apply the rate to my savings account!
Same here. My grandad opened an account for me when it was Abbey National when I was born some 40 years ago, I've kept it for sentimental reasons smile. The interest has been laughable for years on their savings range.

Hopefully rates continue to creep up for savers and the banks compete to offer the best rate.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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p_k_n said:
Got this account set up and went to transfer my savings from Chase - the withdrawal was blocked and I received a text message asking me to call them urgently due to suspicious activity. Been on hold for over 1.5 hours so far banghead
That's an arse. I also transferred in from Chase, they have a 35k limit but no issue. Not a high roller but will take a few days to empty Chase, savings are mostly for a house extension. Santander did it to me the other way, don't know of its random or some sort of algorithm that picks up a transaction that sticks out compared to the usual account activity.


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180 months

Wednesday 12th October 2022
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No worries all. Glad people can make use of it. It's only one account per customer be nice if they offered the pots/multi accounts some other's do as I have another chunk of change that is my own savings (the rest is joint for building works) I could lump all in but would have to work out the interest on each amount and would also go over the government guarantee.


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180 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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andygo said:
Is anyone getting a "technical error' message when attempting to submit a Santander application? Phone lines are busy as well.
My Mrs tried to open one (existing customer) but was getting an error message saying you 'you have to be a UK resident' which she is.

By time she gets around to calling them it might be full subscribed!


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5,843 posts

180 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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Chase have increased their rate to 2.1%.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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I've just opened a YBS ISA @2.75%. I've not had an ISA for years but with rate increases I'm going to be exceeding the personal allowance.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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steveo3002 said:
a311 said:
I've just opened a YBS ISA @2.75%. I've not had an ISA for years but with rate increases I'm going to be exceeding the personal allowance.
did you not see the 4% one
I might end up doing that but getting some building work done so not looking to tie anything up until into the next tax year. Also seems to be open in branch for new customers and our brach closed about 18 months ago.


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180 months

Thursday 2nd February 2023
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Shnozz said:
paulw123 said:
Be nice if Chase pulled their finger out and went to at least 3% following todays rise. Won’t hold my breath though.,
And boom.
I'll maybe empty my santander back to Chase. Can't see them moving theirs.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Monday 13th February 2023
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981Boxess said:
V1nce Fox said:
What's the max app online transfer per day out of Santander? just been denied 25k move.

ETA: just had to do 2x10 and 1x5 with code authentication.
£100k in any 24 hours, £25k max per transfer
I've banked with Santander for years. Transferring larger amount can be a bit of a pig I've known on several occasions for them hold transfers for 'money laundering/security reasons' and needing to call them.

Just had this when trying to pay a builder from the E-Saver despite their account also being with Santander.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Glad lots of folk seemed to get use out of this as the OP. My cash spent exactly 4 months in the E Saver getting a decent wedge of interest a long the way causing an issue with the personal savings allowance I don't think I've ever had, so had to stick some in and ISA and move some to the Mrs Chase account.


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180 months

Friday 24th March 2023
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Santander have a reasonable selection of ISA's at the minute although the better rates are fixed term.

I've not had to look at ISA's for years with the combo of low interest rates and the personal savings allowance. The decent rates at present are making cash ISA's relevant again for me at least......


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5,843 posts

180 months

Thursday 6th July 2023
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Yorkshire building society offering 4.25% easy access account at the minute.


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180 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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OP here, glad to see the post has taken on a new dimension.

I've fallen out with Chase it's a good while not market leading rate on savings but they've handled a payment dispute when my card fell into the wrong hands really poorly so they can shove it.....

I looked back at Santander but they've dropped that account that started this thread to 1.19%. I've just opened a Metro account. Only problem with instant access savings these days is the tax threshold. I got caught out last year and opened an ISA.


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5,843 posts

180 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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NRG1976 said:
a311 said:
OP here, glad to see the post has taken on a new dimension.

I've fallen out with Chase it's a good while not market leading rate on savings but they've handled a payment dispute when my card fell into the wrong hands really poorly so they can shove it.....

I looked back at Santander but they've dropped that account that started this thread to 1.19%. I've just opened a Metro account. Only problem with instant access savings these days is the tax threshold. I got caught out last year and opened an ISA.
People chase (no pun intended) the best rate and then once they get their fingers burnt they realise that other major brands are perhaps not so bad after all…same with people who chase the lowest insurance premium…all great until it comes time to claim.
It's not exactly apples and apples though IMO. The high street bank is dead/dying maybe of you've a branch you can go to you can rant at someone face to face, I'm 40 I can imagine it was quite nice having a relationship with a bank manager and using them for everything. Who knows we may go back to a more customer focused model one day.

My issue with Chase is I got in touch with them as soon as I saw iffy transactions as they were pending I was told they'd be cancelled and the moony would go back in a week. 8 days nothing happened so I got in touch again 'oh no sir you have to get in touch with the vendor.'

I've current accounts with Santander, First Direct and a Buisness account they're all much of a muchness and equally st if you've a problem IME.


Original Poster:

5,843 posts

180 months

Monday 11th March
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Anyone with Metro had issues making transfer out of their account? I want to add some money to a ISA and just keep getting error messages after several attempts. May have to actually speak to a human to sort it.....


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5,843 posts

180 months

Sunday 14th April
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22 said:
From another thread. If you didn't have a Chase saver or had under £500 saved with them on 8/3 they've 'boosted' their rate to 5.1% until 4th November.
I moved all mine to Metro from Chase so been offered this. Will be moving it back as for one the metro rate is going down and two, everytime I've tried to move money out of my Metro account to add to my ISA I get an error message so I'm going to have to call them so may as well juat close it while I'm at it.