What’s your big gamble? (Volume 4)

What’s your big gamble? (Volume 4)


500 Miles

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Sunday 13th June 2021
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Continued from here:

Sisters and brothers,

This is where we make some proper money..

It's also where the big questions are going to be answered...

Do we need a fleet of electrically powered golden wheelbarrows?
Will EUA ever do its thing?
Will Gerry sell a covid breathalyser and will Mo buy another cat?
Will Syme be exposed as a Ponzi scheme, disguised as a Ponzi scheme... ?
What are Accustem shares?
Why do the market makers want our shares on the cheap all the time?
How many fk You Babcocks will this thread generate?

These and many questions of the day will be answered in Volume 4!

Let's kick off the volume by naming our top 3 shares that we think have the most potential over the next 3 months...

Mine are :

Alpha Growth (ALGW) - Quarterly update due soon, could be interesting. This doubled in the last thread, I'm hopeful for the same in this thread.
Revolution Bars Group (RBG) - Trading already strong, even if restrictions stay in place - Euro's, pent up demand and good weather should drive growth.
Nightcap (NGHT) - Will they acquire another bar group? Their previous acquisition is knocking it out of the park.


500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 28th July 2021
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AnotherUsername said:
AMGO still has the opportunity to treble next Friday (results/SOA NEWS) or go totally to st so all gambles are not gone yet
I took some time off watching my shares to concentrate on other stuff, plus the market was always going to be a bit ‘meh’ with the virus levels surging. However, I reckon the next month to 6 weeks could be very interesting as long as virus levels don’t spike again.

The bars are doing good business and expect some of the listed groups to post good numbers. I’ve also been looking at private companies in the hospitality sector and they are very confident, there are a couple that I’m looking to invest in who need capital for growth - longer term plays but they could be interesting.

I’m still in Amigo but haven’t been following it - assume next Friday isn’t a hard date for SOA news? I was up substantially on them, now about break even I think - tempted to top up...

I’m going to refocus my shares when I get a chance, still believe there are very good gains to be made.

At the beginning of this volume I listed RBG, NGHT and ALGW as my favourites to provide the best returns, they haven’t got off to the best of starts but I’m confident they’ll do well.

Who has the wheel barrow? Must surely be the Syme holders??

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 28th July 2021
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Adam. said:
3 I am looking at in the next few months:

HYVE - an old favourite, anyone still in? events opening up but still 80% below preCV levels

NIGHT - seems to have fallen right back to Jan levels, people still in this?

RBG - should have got in at 20, good jumpy today, are they profitable now?
I’m still in Hyve, it’s starting to get some news flow and probably looking less risky now.. (obviously a company that makes money by getting thousands of people together in a room is never going to be low risk during a global pandemic..) in other low risk tips... Swimming with Michael Barrymore.. Holidaying with the Mccans..

Obviously still in Revs and Nightcap - Revs has now launched their 3rd bar concept called Founders & co. https://foundersandco.uk/

500 Miles

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Friday 30th July 2021
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Not sure if anyone is still in... however.. couldn’t let it pass..

fk Babcock! (I’m not in..)

500 Miles

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Friday 6th August 2021
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MikeStroud said:
Abdul Abulbul Amir said:
Re the true sale, as I've mentioned on this thread before, I'd be very very surprised if the sale was booked as revenue on the income statement. I suspect the true sale aspect is whether the stock can be derecognised on the balance sheet.
I tend to agree with you. But say that on the Telegram or lse group and be prepared for a lot of abuse. Someone on lse tonight is making the excellent point that all SYME need to do is RNS who the big 2 auditors are that have agreed with this rev rec model and any caveats and the whole issue/question could be put to bed. At least since they have bought TradeFlow there is still a business there if the SYME IM models crashes and burns. Are you a SYME investor ?
They are so tight on revenue recognition nowadays I just don’t see how it works. I was invested but sold out, every RNS they’ve done has worried me - fomo is obviously still there though..

500 Miles

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Friday 6th August 2021
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Adam. said:
Good to have you back Mike

Bought a chunk of RBG today
Nice one Adam, don’t think you can go wrong with some of the smaller bar groups at the moment.

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 10th August 2021
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Chris Type R said:
CPI getting very rampy on LSE forums.
I’ve been noticing a few comments about it tripling in the coming days smile I’d have to check but I think this was one of my first gamble shares when we started this thread, got in around 25p or something and it had a bounce and then did nothing for ages...

They used to be my biggest customer and were truly awful to work with, such a mess internally. Mr Lewis seems to be doing a good job righting the ship but it’s a massive challenge - hiring in the quality of staff they need whilst improving their internal cultural isn’t going to be easy. Saying that, there is a huge amount of low hanging fruit to take advantage of - not sure whether that’s what he’s concentrated on or whether he’s done the more structural stuff.

Wouldn’t be too surprised if they were bought out, could be a relatively cheap way for a fund or a US trade buyer to buy their way into the backbone of the UK.

I’m going to continue to hold.

500 Miles

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Tuesday 17th August 2021
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So it’s been ages since I recommended a share - think my last one was probably Nightcap, I was lucky enough to get in at 10p and also took part in their last share placing - the bars are trading very strongly and I think they’ve got much further to run. Current sp is 22p and I reckon they’ll be 30p before year end.

Another tip is Alpha Growth which I think has great potential as long as the management team can execute well - I’ve bought in from 1.2p upwards - shares peaked at about 8p and have drifted down waiting for news - lots of exciting things in the pipeline but definitely a gamble share that I think could hit 20p... it is a gamble though..

I’m also backing Revolution Bars which have been good to me, I think they have at least another 50% to add before the end of the year.. assuming no further lockdowns..

One which I’ve just invested in is Cloud CoCo and one which I’m not seeing as a gamble share (apologies but I’ve done some due diligence) - they’re an IT managed services company and VAR. I’ve had lots of discussions with their CEO over the past month and I believe they have a good strategy to create a strong challenger in the sector. It’s an area I know pretty well as it has large overlaps with my old company and it’s the only one in the sector that I’ve decided to invest in, although I still own a chunk of my old company thankfully much smarter people are now running it.

CLCO is the ticker - The CEO is very impressive and the market potential is huge, I’m planning to help out as much as I can with intros into clients etc. They are a microcap (nanocap?) with an sp of 1.3p, I’ve bought in during a placing at 1p and taken just over 15% of the company - I only take those chunks when I believe in something. It’s not a stock to trade but one to hold for at least 6 to 12 months, I’m in it for the long haul I.e 3 years.

I would be very surprised if they are not in the 3p to 5p range by the end of the year. The RNS today has a lot of good information but isn’t presented in the best way -I.e. they’ve hidden the interesting bits.

It’s a turn around stock (new branding, new CEO, etc) and the interims showed that they are heading in the right direction, this as well as their aggressive build and buy strategy makes it an interesting play.

You read it here first smile

500 Miles

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Tuesday 17th August 2021
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ALGW has gone from AUM of $10m to Aum of $340m over the past two years, AUM is expected to significantly increase over the next 12 months through a bug and build strategy.

Their BOAGF fund buys life policies from people for a reduced cost and makes profit when the person dies, the holder benefits as they get access to cash at a time when they need it.

The fund makes net returns of circa 10% and those returns are not correlated to the market - shares or housing.

It’s an attractive proposition to UHNWI, family offices or companies that are looking to diversify away from more traditional investments.

Has really good potential, they have had a few missteps but I’m confident they’ll deliver.

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 17th August 2021
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petemurphy said:
would u sell idp to buy it is the question. i see its 13% up already dammit. 16% spread is a bit harsh

Edited by petemurphy on Tuesday 17th August 14:26
The spread is harsh, hopefully reduces as liquidity increases.

Probably can’t comment too much on IDP apart from what’s been publicly said - Both IDP and CLCO are underpriced by the market, in my very humble opinion.

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 17th August 2021
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egomeister said:
I think he's taken substantial positions in both, however the bailout comment was referring more to how Nightcap came to market in the first place. The businesses were failing, but listing how they did meant the existing management/shareholders retained substantial value for their holdings where it might have been better for the IPO shareholders to have taken the assets out of administration and recapitalised that way.

Essentially the management have been rewarded for their failures at the expense of the new shareholders, and as such I'll leave that one to 500 as I don't want my bargepole anywhere near it!
Must admit, I’m not complaining about Nightcap or their management. I’ve more than doubled my original investment and I’m pretty confident that will continue to grow over the next 6 months - could be wrong of course.

I also enjoyed a night of free drinking last time I went into one of their bars... maybe that’s why they are slightly down today..

Straight after the IPO the shares got ahead of themselves - However, the Adventure Bar group was a great acquisition at a fantastic price and I think we’ll start to see new bars being announced quite regularly - I’ve been impressed with the management team and think the market cap will be significantly higher in 24/36 months time, that’s assuming they stay independent for that long and are not bought out by a larger group.

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 17th August 2021
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egomeister said:
elanfan said:
500 Miles said:
ALGW has gone from AUM of $10m to Aum of $340m over the past two years, AUM is expected to significantly increase over the next 12 months through a bug and build strategy.

Their BOAGF fund buys life policies from people for a reduced cost and makes profit when the person dies, the holder benefits as they get access to cash at a time when they need it.

The fund makes net returns of circa 10% and those returns are not correlated to the market - shares or housing.

It’s an attractive proposition to UHNWI, family offices or companies that are looking to diversify away from more traditional investments.

Has really good potential, they have had a few missteps but I’m confident they’ll deliver.
What do all the abbreviations mean? I’m being fick!
AUM = assets under management
UHNWI = ultra high net worth individuals

I assume BOAGF is an Alpha Growth product
Sorry buddy - last one is Black Oak Alpha Growth Fund.

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 18th August 2021
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Skyedriver said:
Can I add AMGO to the FU list along with EUA, SYME, PHE, EQT et al.....

is this just certain bands of people (the MMs?) playing with the prices? Pump & dump; SYME certainly looks like it over the last two weeks.
Ah... the ginger Mexican psycho ex... I wish she became an ex when the sp was around 30p, that would have been a very healthy profit, I’m still in and now just a couple of percent under... actually considering buying some more...

What did Warren say? “We regulate any stealing of this property but we’re not stupid enough to buy amigo shares...” or something like that..

I think I might be greedy/stupid..

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 18th August 2021
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Super Sonic said:
People still talking about shares on here?
No 'just bought a puppy he's getting big hope he's not a bear' or ' am gonna take down some scaffolding solo' ?
I’ll have what you’re having.. smile

500 Miles

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Friday 20th August 2021
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Phooey said:
For a bit of fun but also interested in replies -

If you had to buy (upto) 3 stocks today that you HAVE to hold for at least 5 years before being allowed to sell - what would you buy?

Me, off the top of my head -

1/ EZJ
2/ RR
3/ IAG

Big gamble on no new serious pandemics.. but I think in 5yrs time we will be hammering out holidays and air-travel more than ever.

  • seriously thinking of selling my Big Gamble stonks and doing just this.
Good question..


Although I think all 3 will have been bought out before 5 years is up.

500 Miles

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Monday 23rd August 2021
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Adam. said:
Can someone tell SNG this is how to roll
smile I’ll second that!

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 6th September 2021
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indestructible focus said:
MikeStroud said:
petemurphy said:
You had Covid? Can I recommend some synairgen wink. Hope ure ok
Hope you're recommending their medication and not their shares... I'm well down on those buggers!
Haha you guys and the covid stocks, I never touched them. Luckily didn't need syn in the end, bed 8 days quite an eye opening experience, peaking with a trip to hospital after 2nd jab with heart pulpertations and chest pain, all clear thankfully. Started a new job so no sick pay which was a tough pill to swallow after no grants/furlough for me past 18 months.
Any other china tech lovers here???
VlBought some didi global too, no leverage availible on that though.
Glad youre out the other side buddy, only way is up and all that... unless you’re in Syme then anything could happen..

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 6th September 2021
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petemurphy said:
Chris Type R said:
Another small rise from IDP today - now above the recent fund raise.
says no change on lse?
I’m planning to do a bit of a write up on LinkedIn about IDP, I’ve only recently (last week) added them to my profile as I wasn’t comfortable doing it whilst we were still sorting out the sins of the past.

If anyone is interested I’ll drop a link to it once it’s up, I’m assuming forum rules allow that..

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 7th September 2021
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petemurphy said:
500 Miles said:
I’m planning to do a bit of a write up on LinkedIn about IDP, I’ve only recently (last week) added them to my profile as I wasn’t comfortable doing it whilst we were still sorting out the sins of the past.

If anyone is interested I’ll drop a link to it once it’s up, I’m assuming forum rules allow that..
been shopping again?!
Seemed like a good deal smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 8th September 2021
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Adam. said:
elanfan said:
Maybe check this mornings Director/PDMR

Doesn’t look like he’s messing about does it.

I’m in!
650k shares is about 7 days ADV so how does a director (not Mark or IDP, any similar situation) manage to buy that amount of shares?

Does the broker accumulate over a long period on behalf of the director or is this usually a purchase from another director / institution?
Generally happens one of two ways - either you call up your broker and say you want to buy tons.... they then phone around other brokers asking if anyone ones to sell large volumes...

or, you call up your broker and ask them to buy lots of shares and they spend the week hoovering them up, only announcing the purchase at the end of the week (or when the order has been filled) - think that’s called warehousing.. helpful if you don’t want to show your hand.