Tax and compensation?

Tax and compensation?



Original Poster:

1,845 posts

218 months

Thursday 4th June 2009
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Quick question for you.

Have overpaid my tax for the last 3 years. Refund all now sorted but am I entitled to any compensation?



2,432 posts

261 months

Thursday 4th June 2009
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Don't know, but I would have thought not. Why did you overpay your tax for 3 years? Won't they argue that it's up to you to ensure that your tax is right. In other words, if you pay too much, you c an have a rebate, but nothing more. Just guessing, though.


Original Poster:

1,845 posts

218 months

Thursday 4th June 2009
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Had no idea I was over paying. Chance conversation with a colleague made me aware, otherwise would still be happening.
Stupid of me to assume that the tax office would have spotted it and corrected it.


794 posts

203 months

Thursday 4th June 2009
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Original Poster:

1,845 posts

218 months

Thursday 4th June 2009
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Indeed they did. All of £18!

Eric Mc

122,880 posts

273 months

Friday 5th June 2009
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Yes, the only "compensation" is the interest or "repayment supplement".

The Revenue will collect tax based on information supplied by you or by your employer. If they have been given the wrong or incomplete information, the tax calculated will be wrong.
By and large they get it essentially correct, most of the time (there 28 million tax payers in the country) but it pays for all tax payers to maintain an interest in their own tax affairs and at leasst obtain a basic knowledge of how the system works.


Original Poster:

1,845 posts

218 months

Friday 5th June 2009
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Indeed. Didn't occur to me at the time that I might be paying the wrong tax. Lesson learned.