Applying for a credit card whilst others are still active?

Applying for a credit card whilst others are still active?


pimpin gimp

Original Poster:

3,296 posts

208 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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Right then chaps,

I currently have a few credit cards:

Barclaycard visafor business expenses, no balance as it's paid off each month.
Halifax M/C- zero balance, just about to close it.
Capital one M/C- £580 balance (personal debt)
Egg card Visa, £4kish joint debt, just about to pay interest on it so want to shift it!

Which cards can I apply for? I know certain banks are linked and so won't give you a card if you have another in the group, and i don't want to apply for something to get turned down as this affects my credit score (I think)

Are there any that aren't affiliated with the above listed?

Pickled Piper

6,390 posts

243 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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In my experience those that are linked will give you another card but will reduce the limit on the existing card so your total limit remains the same.
