buying with credit card from USA? conversion rate???

buying with credit card from USA? conversion rate???



Original Poster:

1,149 posts

197 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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I am in the UK and I need to buy some parts from the usa.

The price comes to roughly $325 with a whopping $143 for shippinh(which i think is pretty deer).

I would be using a virgin credit card but how do i find out how much i will be paying in GBP, who would have the currency rates? virging or the parts supllier?

thanks in advance

Eric Mc

122,880 posts

273 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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Phone the credit card company.

Have you taken on board the Import Duty which may be due (these would be on top of the shippingh costs)?


Original Poster:

1,149 posts

197 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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how would i find out about import duty? would the supplier know?


2,652 posts

220 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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The exchange rate will be the rate on the day of the transaction, and it will be your credit card that figures that out.

The shipping is probably via FedEx, which is why it is expensive. Customs will be a separate bill in my experience.

Eric Mc

122,880 posts

273 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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plumAJP said:
how would i find out about import duty? would the supplier know?
The US supplier probably wouldn't know (or care) what HMRC would charge as Import Duty in the UK. The best way to find out is to enquire with HMRC.


8,060 posts

254 months

Sunday 31st May 2009
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You can find the TARIC code and duty rates here, I've opened it at the base section for car parts, you are looking at 3-4% duty, plus VAT on the sum of the value and duty.

Edited by g_attrill on Sunday 31st May 14:52