Quick q regarding money lenders...

Quick q regarding money lenders...



Original Poster:

483 posts

192 months

Wednesday 27th May 2009
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Apologies if this in the wrong section but..........
I keep getting letters from a certain loan company (average one a week) telling me how much I can borrow and thats its available to me within a matter of minutes etc,etc. A)I don't need a loan at this particular time and B) when I do require a loan I won't be going to this lender, especially with rates of 254 percent typical apr (yep thats what it says on the letters). My question is would it be ok to send a polite email asking to be removed from their database/system, without them being able to put a negative mark on my credit check thing or should i just put up with the junk mail?

Road Pest

3,123 posts

206 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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That may help you.

Also as far as I'm aware refusing junk mail will not affect your credit rating.

Edited by Road Pest on Friday 29th May 20:01