LLoyds TSB Internet Banking

LLoyds TSB Internet Banking


Eric Mc

Original Poster:

122,880 posts

273 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Why are they asking for user ID details every time you try to logon?
They didn't in the past.

A dialogue box telling you about "Secure and Insecure" information is also popping up which is new.

Any ideas what's going on?


4,746 posts

250 months

Wednesday 27th May 2009
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Make sure it's HTTPS, rather than just HTTP.

Or you could be clicking on a phishing site, e.g. https://www.lloydstsb.account123abc.com where the domain "account123abc.com" is actually some random bloke ripping your bank login details.

Can you upload a screenshot (with any personal details blanked out, of course)?


865 posts

224 months

Wednesday 27th May 2009
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Sounds normal to me?

I've always had the ID & password screen, then the memorable info screen before I get into my main page.

Have you got the 'remember me' box ticked? I don't use this as I generally use the works computer but I guess if you'd cleared the cookies, then you might need to re-enable it.


3,498 posts

225 months

Wednesday 27th May 2009
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I always get asked for the user ID when I log on. Even when I have it saved it is still asked for, just the box appears filled in.