HomeBuy Direct scheme, facts needed pls.

HomeBuy Direct scheme, facts needed pls.



Original Poster:

1,456 posts

204 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
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Good morning everyone. Not sure which sub section this should be in so please move if this is wrong.

Home buy direct, can some of you financial bods give me some fact about this scheme. I have read about the scheme on the net and have some leaflets here, but as it's a governmant scheme it all seems a little vague with regards to the repayment of the 'loan' part of the deal. It all seems a little sugar coated.

Any help will be great guys.


Simian Dave

2,101 posts

264 months

Sunday 24th May 2009
quotequote all

Not exactly an answer, but:
PM me for more info as I'll be able to put you in touch with our researches that did the article for more details if you want them.


Edited by Simian Dave on Tuesday 26th May 09:17