Direction to a financial digest site

Direction to a financial digest site



Original Poster:

1,219 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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OH in high street banking; needs to access a "financial digest' site that compares interest, savings rates, etc between high street banks.

Dont want it too in depth.

Any links appreciated.

Many thanks,


Original Poster:

1,219 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Following on from above and lack of response thus far....

I realise I could Google and subsequently spend my time trawling through numerous sites; however I was looking for someone to recommend a site they use that provided an easily digstible format and eliminate the time spent surfing.

Any recommendations appreciated.


9,136 posts

261 months

Wednesday 20th May 2009
quotequote all ?


Original Poster:

1,219 posts

268 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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Thanks McFlurry, that's the style.


Simian Dave

2,101 posts

264 months

Thursday 21st May 2009
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I'll pimp my employers - (and if you want investment info).


Original Poster:

1,219 posts

268 months

Friday 22nd May 2009
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Cheers Simian Dave... nice site.

However, I appreciate that any such site will rely on and promote a symbiotic relationship with their partners. Are there any that don't?

An Excel spreadsheet type comparison with all high street banks products is the ideal. Does one exist?

Thanks again,

Simian Dave

2,101 posts

264 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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If you look hard enough we do have all companies that are registered to compare, but as you say, we need to keep 'partners' happy enough to keep paying to advertise.

We try to be independent, but it is a fine line. We are looking to leverage our users for a more independent voice as they can't directly be held to account when they write bad stuff. On the other hand, I think the partners will still moan at us.

As for our own content, we try to highlight the better products out there and generally include a product that is not a partner (sometimes we have to - if we are writing about a product area where we have no partners for example).

Otherwise... you could have a look moneyfacts - they provide us with our raw data, but they don't allow you to see it very well as their main business model is selling it on to companies like us, this means they still have adverts and other information, but their raw data is largely un-biased.

Again, you can see all the products if you do a search in that area (e.g. credit cards, loans, etc), we'll even send you on to them if you want to apply for anything, unlike some other sites.


8,059 posts

254 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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