Water Bill - Single Occupancy Tariff

Water Bill - Single Occupancy Tariff



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9,775 posts

231 months

Monday 18th May 2009
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Good day,

After arguing the toss with United Utilities about why my water rates for my rented two bedroom flat are more expensive than for my parent's 4 bed house a couple of miles down the road, the nice young lady told me I could claim for Single Occupancy Tariff which almost halves the bill.

I can't have a water meter due to it being non-viable to fit one, but I asked this when I moved in last year, so surely they should have told me about the single occupancy tariff then?

Do you think I have a case to claim it back retrospectively? How can they get away with not telling you this stuff?

Now to spend the rest of the day fighting the council, credit card companies etc etc for money back they owe me....
