Credit Cards & Death.

Credit Cards & Death.



Original Poster:

45,437 posts

205 months

Saturday 9th May 2009
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A relative recently died leaving an outstanding balance of around £4,000 on a credit card. She was married but the card was her own and not linked to her husband in any way.

Will the husband be liable for the debt? Or does it die with the person named on the card?

Thank you in advance.



Original Poster:

45,437 posts

205 months

Saturday 9th May 2009
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Google is my friend. I have the answer that I need.



5,024 posts

291 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
quotequote all
Shirley it's taken out of her estate as detailed in her will.

Usually everything would go to her husband (maybe something to the children) and the cc debt comes out of what's left - no?

Google Schmoogle - I'm too old to actually look for an answer. You'll be suggesting that I buy one of those fancy telephones next. smile