UK bank shares - how high will they go?

UK bank shares - how high will they go?



Original Poster:

1,540 posts

270 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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Obviously we'd all be multi millionaires if we knew when shares bottom out and when they reach their peak, but what's the general consensus about UK bank shares?

Amongst others, I have RBS, Barclays, and Lloyds shares which have done tremendously well for me in the last few months. The question is, how high are they likely to go? And how long wil it take for them to get there? Will they ever get back to 2007 or 2008 levels? Should I sell now?

Yes, yes, I know I should consult an IFA not an online community of petrol snorters, but this is the Finance thread, right?


11,327 posts

205 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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I've got a fair few LBG and some RBS and I reckon there's still a bit of life left in them.

I read somewhere that RBS now have 4.5 times the number of shares they had a year ago. Not sure if this is true (help anybody ?) but if it is then this puts 50p per share into perspective and would also imply that there's no chance of them going back to say £5 a share.

LBG will go on a bit I would think but again I'm not sure how many shares are issued now in comparison to the past and of course there's HBOS to factor in and that is beyond my meagre abilities!

My mystic Meg answer is RBS=80p by the end of the year and LBG=£2.

(I'll be back to edit this crap so best quote me for a laugh later hehe)


591 posts

206 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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IMO - RBS have to go above ~65p as thats what the Govt bought in at. LBG hopefully up to around 330 as that's what I bought some at!


49,633 posts

206 months

Thursday 7th May 2009
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Can anyon confirm what the Govt bought RBS at and also what 2 prices the Govt bought LHBOS for - in fact did the govt have a 2nd bite at RBS too??

Would be good to know as a tax payer when were finally back to parity and then moving forward how much "profit/debt clearing" the Govt could take.


8,722 posts

226 months

Thursday 7th May 2009
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Welshbeef said:
Can anyon confirm what the Govt bought RBS at and also what 2 prices the Govt bought LHBOS for - in fact did the govt have a 2nd bite at RBS too??

Would be good to know as a tax payer when were finally back to parity and then moving forward how much "profit/debt clearing" the Govt could take.
Complicated one to calculate, seeing as their preference debacle means they get paid back first before ordinary share holders get dividends. So instead, Lloyds and RBS are giving out extra shares in lieu of dividends. So for every 40 Lloyds shares, theres an extra one being issued. Thus, the volume of shares is increasing.


1,679 posts

206 months

Friday 8th May 2009
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it baffles the mind how rbs lasted..their like the rocky balboa of banks....their loaded up with overseas liabilities and the next wave of ninja mortgages is going to be as bad as subprime...


1,679 posts

206 months

Saturday 9th May 2009
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and rbs wants more money from the tax payer...