Which Bank Account?

Which Bank Account?


cobra kid

Original Poster:

5,255 posts

248 months

Monday 4th May 2009
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I'm looking for a decent current account, that could be used as an executors account to pay cheques into that would have an overdraft facility. HSBC have one but they want £500 a momth putting in. This won't happen as it will be purely a few initial lump sums paid in, then it will be used to service the household bills of dads house while my brother is there.

Any thoughts?


1,064 posts

286 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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If you don't get an answer on here, try here.


591 posts

206 months

Tuesday 5th May 2009
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They are unlikey to check it on any kind of regular basis. Never came across them wanting £500p/m paid in when I was working there a couple of years ago. Might be worth asking what the implications of not paying £500pm in?