AAT Exams in June - who is taking them?

AAT Exams in June - who is taking them?



Original Poster:

10,134 posts

229 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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Is this the right forum? I couldn't decide between "jobs and employment" or here..

Anyhow, who are the lucky bods taking the exams in June?

I'm finding it increasingly hard doing all the studying on my own as there isn't anyone to ask when it starts going a little fuzzy. How are you lot finding it?

Come June I'll be extremely relieved and will have aged a few years! Then on to ACCA I suppose...


823 posts

231 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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Not AAT, but CTA two weeks yesterday..... Cant wait to get them done and then I can actually enjoy the summer!


54 posts

211 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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Not the AAT but i have got 2 ACCA exams. Would be doing more but i haven't had the time to study for anymore than that due to work commitments.

I know what you mean about studying on your own. I've got a home study course thing which is helpful as it gives you targets to aim for but it's still difficult.


Original Poster:

10,134 posts

229 months

Wednesday 29th April 2009
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rickyhad said:
Not the AAT but i have got 2 ACCA exams. Would be doing more but i haven't had the time to study for anymore than that due to work commitments.

I know what you mean about studying on your own. I've got a home study course thing which is helpful as it gives you targets to aim for but it's still difficult.
I decided to do the AAT so I had a "full" qualification quickly and then use the exemptions for the ACCA exams - so I'm starting those in Decemeber (if I pass everything, which I hope I will as I don't want to pay twice!)

I just miss being able to mull over things with other students face to face.

Good luck!

Eric Mc

122,878 posts

273 months

Saturday 2nd May 2009
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Best of luck to all those sitting exams inn the summer.

I'm so glad all that is behind me.

(And you're correct, it is bloody hard to know where to post certain topics)


3,502 posts

229 months

Saturday 2nd May 2009
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Good luck with them, IMO a great qualification to start with, I passed mine in 1997. Then CIMA in 2000