3yr old Income Tax Repayment...can i still claim it?

3yr old Income Tax Repayment...can i still claim it?



Original Poster:

2,406 posts

226 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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Whilst sorting through some old paper work i came across a letter from HM Revenue & Customs with a lovely cheque attached for overpayment of tax during 2004/2005. The letter and cheque are dated July 2006.

Does anyone know if it is still possible to claim this back? I'm assuming the cheque itself is no longer any good.

Deva Link

26,934 posts

253 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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Does it have an expiry date printed on it?

People say cheques are only valid for 6mths but there's no such rule - however *if* the bank notices then they may query it. It'll probably just go through, unless HMRC have some special rules.


Original Poster:

2,406 posts

226 months

Monday 27th April 2009
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bugger think that answers my question...it says 'if this document is presented to your bank within 6months HM R&C will pay £xxxx'

Think i'll try giving them a call tomorrow