Mis sold Payment Protection Insurance PPI??

Mis sold Payment Protection Insurance PPI??



Original Poster:

701 posts

233 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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Hi, I received a letter from Alliance and Leicester saying that I may have been mis-sold PPI in 2007 for a loan I took out. I never normally take out PPI as am in secure job and have alsorts of other life insurance, critical illness cover etc etc. So when this letter came I was a bit surprised to find I had taken out PPI. Looked at paperwork and yes I had taken out this cover. I seem to remember the salesperson being rather pushy about PPI and so must have agreed to it. So phoned up and they are going to look into my case. Anyone had experience of this and my chances of getting a refund?
Thanks, Nicky.


8,751 posts

287 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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The possible misselling of single premium PPi is a bit of a topic at the moment, and the banks are heading it off at the pass...... A&L were one of the worst for either simply rolling the PPI into the loan, or pressuring the customer into taking it.

Have a read of this.



Original Poster:

701 posts

233 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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scotal said:
The possible misselling of single premium PPi is a bit of a topic at the moment, and the banks are heading it off at the pass...... A&L were one of the worst for either simply rolling the PPI into the loan, or pressuring the customer into taking it.

Have a read of this.

Thanks for that link. Apparently the PPI customer contact team will look into my case and let me know if I am due a refund.