Predictions on the equities and property lag

Predictions on the equities and property lag


Brown and Boris

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11,827 posts

243 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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I have heard it said that equities will recover ahead of the prooperty market, and that there is a traditional time lag between the former and the later.

So, your predictions of when we can expect to see equities have a sustaineed period of growth , and when they might get back to say Oct 2007 levels, and how long after the upturn would you expect property to follow?

Brown and Boris

Original Poster:

11,827 posts

243 months

Friday 17th April 2009
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haworthlloyd1 said:
normally they say equities are a leading indicator of the economy in that they 'price in' predictions on the future whereas property lags.

The general concensus is equities look 12-18 months ahead. If you have been keeping an eye on bank shares they have soared and the ftse itself has had a fair old rally over the last month or so and is now about the 4,000 mark yet again.

I still personally think property is going to fall for the rest of this year but it will be probably a case of some up months, some down months as we have already seen throughout 2009 so far
I am just hoping to catch it bweteen the two to move house, and I had heard the 12-18 months 'rule'. I get depressed by the state of my managed funds, but as you say they are in the black over the past week, month and 3 months.