Ulster Bank for savings?

Ulster Bank for savings?



Original Poster:

3,473 posts

262 months

Tuesday 14th April 2009
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Just been looking at my HSBC online savings account for the first time in a while and it's currently earning a fairly rubbish .75%

had a look at money supermarket to see what other deals were out there and the Ulster bank are offering 3.26% without having the money tied up for a length of time dropping to 3.00% after 6 months.

On the face of it, it's a no brainer to transfer my savings across but am I missing something?

Has anyone dealt with the Ulster bank before?

Or is this rate likely to be there to encourage new custom and then free fall like the HSBC rates?

Any help would be great, it's not a great deal of cash but would like to see it earning as much interest as possible.

Edited by andye30m3 on Tuesday 14th April 16:15

Broken Hero

1,197 posts

205 months

Tuesday 14th April 2009
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They are part of the RBS group

it looks pretty good, but you lose interest any month you make a withdrawal. If you make a withdrawal in the 1st 6 months, you only get 0.5% for that month.
Basically if you dont touch the money you will not get much more than if you put your 10k+ in a short term bond with the bank you are already with.