Enjoying Retirement

Enjoying Retirement



1,448 posts

99 months

Monday 22nd April
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Thank you all for the comments. Reading this thread over the past year or so has really kept me going through a pretty miserable last year at work leading to this point. I realised that I didn’t need to work any more, didn’t enjoy it any more and wasn’t getting any younger. Easy to say but harder to do.

I have a very long to do list of jobs and adventures to keep me busy as well as the kids to drive around. First up getting my triumph bonneville back on the road and driving my Aston to Scotland.


1,420 posts

43 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Thanks chaps and especially the heads up on Lux weather report !
I am googling the Schlumpf Collection as we speak smile


1,420 posts

43 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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mikeiow said:
Not been on a bike in about 30 years….my otherwise-understanding wife would likely kill me if I bought one now hehe
Have you popped to Reims-Gueux for a photo opportunity? Interesting history!

I will be riding through there this morning but whether I get the chance for a photo opportunity is another matter. THE local mayor passed a no stopping law on that road due to tiktokkers and the like being dangerous as they get their footage, either driving ridiculously fast or parking and blocking the road for their creative content. I shall see how busy it is...fingers crossed a quick picky won't hurt


5,649 posts

133 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Longy00000 said:
mikeiow said:
Not been on a bike in about 30 years….my otherwise-understanding wife would likely kill me if I bought one now hehe
Have you popped to Reims-Gueux for a photo opportunity? Interesting history!

I will be riding through there this morning but whether I get the chance for a photo opportunity is another matter. THE local mayor passed a no stopping law on that road due to tiktokkers and the like being dangerous as they get their footage, either driving ridiculously fast or parking and blocking the road for their creative content. I shall see how busy it is...fingers crossed a quick picky won't hurt
Good luck….it was a quiet road with space for parked cars when we visited some years ago. Felt quite the find, as I knew nothing about it when we happened upon it!

Must be a way to park and wander about….very interesting spot!


52,128 posts

287 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Longy00000 said:
<clip> The local mayor passed a no stopping law on that road due to tiktokkers and the like being dangerous as they get their footage...
Seems a bit mean but then I guess TickTockers and YouTubbers started to take the piss. We visited back in 2011...


1,420 posts

43 months

Tuesday 23rd April
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Did manage to get a few snaps as I tucked my bike down a lane out of sight in case the plod drove by. Very quiet today though.


4,142 posts

230 months

Wednesday 24th April
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There is that monstrous no stopping sign but no sense of anyone to enforce it.

Such an iconic place to stop,and get a snap.

Harry Flashman

19,594 posts

245 months

Wednesday 24th April
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Driving to the Alps the long way in a Ferrari sounds like a very appealing use of retirement time for me.

Sadly, it's a way away. Young children, school fees, mortgage mean I have some years of earning needed! But I am doing as much saving and preparation as possible...


3,439 posts

191 months

Wednesday 24th April
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With everybody putting up great pictures of momentous moments I thought that I would post one to add to the collection.

Yes, the winter tyres of off and put in the barn. Have I gone early? Only time will tell &#128522;


4,592 posts

216 months

Wednesday 24th April
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I think you should be ok.
I also have a stack of tyres ( not winters ) but they are covered up so no photo.


1,420 posts

43 months

Wednesday 24th April
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Having moved on from the 1950's grand prix stadium of yesterday I spent the evening in Metz and it was very pleasant too.
Today made tracks to the I famous Nurburgring (mainly because there are some great roads around it) stopped for coffee and then ploughed on another 100kms or so before stopping for the night.

I'm now about 50km short for the Loh collection tomorrow morning which I am really looking forward to.

Went through several snow showers on route and bitterly cold above 1500ft but still an interesting trip. Still no timescales, just an old fhart bumbling around Europe on his bike rofl

Link for the Loh collection if interested as it's meant to be 1 of the best in the world


1,448 posts

99 months

Thursday 25th April
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Longy00000 said:
Having moved on from the 1950's grand prix stadium of yesterday I spent the evening in Metz and it was very pleasant too.
Today made tracks to the I famous Nurburgring (mainly because there are some great roads around it) stopped for coffee and then ploughed on another 100kms or so before stopping for the night.

I'm now about 50km short for the Loh collection tomorrow morning which I am really looking forward to.

Went through several snow showers on route and bitterly cold above 1500ft but still an interesting trip. Still no timescales, just an old fhart bumbling around Europe on his bike rofl

Link for the Loh collection if interested as it's meant to be 1 of the best in the world
Where are you staying every night? That' th ekind of trip that appeals to me and not to my wife. smile


1,420 posts

43 months

Thursday 25th April
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I have Booking.com app and simply pic an area and book somewhere using that usually a couple of hours before I get there. Dead easy and my wife was very happy to stay home from this trip


557 posts

103 months

Thursday 25th April
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Longy00000 said:
I have Booking.com app and simply pic an area and book somewhere using that usually a couple of hours before I get there. Dead easy and my wife was very happy to stay home from this trip
This is precisely what I did (with Mrs B) earlier this month on our 2500km Tesla road trip from Geneva to Alicante and back. Found some great little auberges in Avignon, Fitou and Collioure, and got a mid-week night in the Barcelona Hilton (top floor city view room plus breakfast) for pennies. The parking was however almost the same as the room rate…


5,649 posts

133 months

Thursday 25th April
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When we had our 2-month interrail bonanza a year ago, we used a combination of booking/hotels/Airbnb/Agoda. Go via TopCashBack where possible for extra cashback (over £200 on our jaunt)….well, we are retired: gotta watch those pennies!

Watched Drop The Dead Donkey: The Reawakening at TRCH in Nottingham this evening. Original cast (minus those who have passed, obviously…).
VERY funny - if it is touring near you, I recommend it! An audience of a certain age hehe

Silver Hammer

35 posts

110 months

Friday 26th April
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One month in and I can definitely say I am enjoying retirement. I’ll be off to pick up a paper shortly which is a stroll through the woods to the village shop and the sun is out. Then out to tackle the patio again with some BAC50 this morning to see if I can get it properly clean, the first go was only partially successful.
It’s our anniversary today and my wife’s birthday so a celebratory meal in, which I will be cooking which will be novel. I am told it is to be smart casual!
Life is definitely good not having to suffer all the hassle and stress of work, and enjoy all the extra time to do whatever you want to do rather than have your nose to the grindstone. I am really looking forward to this first summer.



4,592 posts

216 months

Friday 26th April
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Silver Hammer said:
One month in and I can definitely say I am enjoying retirement. I’ll be off to pick up a paper shortly which is a stroll through the woods to the village shop and the sun is out. Then out to tackle the patio again with some BAC50 this morning to see if I can get it properly clean, the first go was only partially successful.
It’s our anniversary today and my wife’s birthday so a celebratory meal in, which I will be cooking which will be novel. I am told it is to be smart casual!
Life is definitely good not having to suffer all the hassle and stress of work, and enjoy all the extra time to do whatever you want to do rather than have your nose to the grindstone. I am really looking forward to this first summer.

Happy Anniversary and Birthday -I trust a suitable bottle of fizz will be accompanying your cooking efforts ?


635 posts

168 months

Friday 26th April
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Longy00000 said:
Having moved on from the 1950's grand prix stadium of yesterday I spent the evening in Metz and it was very pleasant too.
Today made tracks to the I famous Nurburgring (mainly because there are some great roads around it) stopped for coffee and then ploughed on another 100kms or so before stopping for the night.

I'm now about 50km short for the Loh collection tomorrow morning which I am really looking forward to.

Went through several snow showers on route and bitterly cold above 1500ft but still an interesting trip. Still no timescales, just an old fhart bumbling around Europe on his bike rofl

Link for the Loh collection if interested as it's meant to be 1 of the best in the world
This is what we need on this thread. Less talk about what we're doing with our time and more pics to illustrate.

Sounds like a great trip.

Gary C

12,799 posts

182 months

Friday 26th April
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Just applied for my Pension to start 28th Feb 2025 smile

Cabbage Patch

83 posts

90 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Longy00000 said:
Having moved on from the 1950's grand prix stadium of yesterday I spent the evening in Metz and it was very pleasant too.
Today made tracks to the I famous Nurburgring (mainly because there are some great roads around it) stopped for coffee and then ploughed on another 100kms or so before stopping for the night.

I'm now about 50km short for the Loh collection tomorrow morning which I am really looking forward to.

Went through several snow showers on route and bitterly cold above 1500ft but still an interesting trip. Still no timescales, just an old fhart bumbling around Europe on his bike rofl

Link for the Loh collection if interested as it's meant to be 1 of the best in the world
Just a bit jealous! Retirement firmly pencilled in for the end of March 2025 and then I'll be off to Europe (with my wife) for a similar tour on my GSA.

Keep the updates coming so I can live vicariously through you in the meantime.