HMRC - 6 months for your tax rebate, Sir

HMRC - 6 months for your tax rebate, Sir



2,373 posts

224 months

Monday 8th July
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bmwmike said:
oldaudi said:
Does anyone have the chat link to get help with this? On the HMRC site I just see the Chatbot thing , some of you mentioned that you've spoken to a human and get some help with the rebate. Thanks
The online chat doesn't do anything afaik. I tried it a few times. It counts down, then says and advisor will be with you soon, then it just sits there forever. Black hole.
It worked for me - I asked it to speak to a human, it put me in a queue that mostly counted down (well sometimes up as well), but it did get me through to someone, and they did arrange the transfer above., (and the money landed a few days later)


7,106 posts

111 months

Monday 8th July
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When I go to "request a repayment" it tell me, in tiny letters, "Your Self Assessment records show you have no amounts available for repayment.".

Am i missing something? I've spoken to HMRC 3 times, and they've confirmed i'm due a refund, but it was "stuck" then "delayed" and then "not giving a timeframe" hence i've raised a formal complaint.


1,355 posts

161 months

Monday 8th July
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I used the Chatbot and asked to speak to a Human. It found me a human after a 46 minute count down. I answered lots of security questions only to be informed that there is a backlog and I have to wait 10 weeks for a letter. I explained that I've selected the tick box for online forms, not physical forms but apparently as its a refund they need to write to me.

I've already waited 7 weeks , 10 weeks is the length of time before they will escalate it but I need to contact them again to inform them I've not received a letter. I don't even need a letter, I can see it there on line and they wont pay the £7300 to me. Absolute joke.

They paid me £800 last week a tax refund from a P800which arrived 2 days after I asked for it but yet to pay me my SIPP tax relief. They've helped themselves to the tax on my cash savings and dividends and this is what's left over but for some reason I need to wait months before they'll even think about it. Additional security is needed too, I dont know what else they need. They know more about me than I do.

Edited by oldaudi on Monday 8th July 13:06


3,439 posts

191 months

Monday 8th July
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I filed my self assessment on the 8 April and got my refund last week.

While painfully slow it was in fact faster than last year so I suppose that I should be thankful for that!


452 posts

169 months

Monday 8th July
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Still waiting for £6k SIPP refund.
Submitted end of May
Told to wait (called them) until end of August:-(


5,972 posts

144 months

Tuesday 9th July
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I'm waiting for a refund, too, from SA submitted in April. I assumed I'd done something wrong so resubmitted the refund request last week.

Never had an issue in previous years and I'm sure I received the money into my bank account within a few days.


7,106 posts

111 months

Tuesday 9th July
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PorkInsider said:
I'm waiting for a refund, too, from SA submitted in April. I assumed I'd done something wrong so resubmitted the refund request last week.

Never had an issue in previous years and I'm sure I received the money into my bank account within a few days.
Presumably you go into the portal -> self assessment -> request a refund? And in there it shows you are due a refund?

For me it just says I have no amounts available for repayment, so i think there is some manual process in the background that they need to do, to join the self assessment calculation result (money owed) to the web page that allows you to request it as a refund.


5,972 posts

144 months

Tuesday 9th July
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bmwmike said:
Presumably you go into the portal -> self assessment -> request a refund? And in there it shows you are due a refund?

For me it just says I have no amounts available for repayment, so i think there is some manual process in the background that they need to do, to join the self assessment calculation result (money owed) to the web page that allows you to request it as a refund.
Yes that's menu path. Mine is there with the figure that was calculated and displayed at the end of completing the SA.


7,106 posts

111 months

Tuesday 9th July
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PorkInsider said:
Yes that's menu path. Mine is there with the figure that was calculated and displayed at the end of completing the SA.
Thanks for confirming. I dont see that, so presumably something stuck. Just had a message off HMRC complaints team saying they've picked up my complaint, so hopefully that will move things along, but who knows. Got me rethinking my tax strategy for this year.


6,793 posts

182 months

Saturday 13th July
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I got an email earlier this week to tell me I had a new tax calculation which turned out to be a refund due from 2023-24 tax year. Not a huge amount but it only took a few clicks and entering my bank details to sort it. This morning the money has gone into my account, which is exactly how it should be.

What irks me is how it took nearly two years for them to return money from 2022-23 and 2021-22 for a much higher amount, plus lots of phone calls and promises of it being sorted by 'next April' then 'by October'.

I wonder how long it will take them to chase any money next time I owe them money though...


125 posts

33 months

Sunday 14th July
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PorkInsider said:
bmwmike said:
Presumably you go into the portal -> self assessment -> request a refund? And in there it shows you are due a refund?

For me it just says I have no amounts available for repayment, so i think there is some manual process in the background that they need to do, to join the self assessment calculation result (money owed) to the web page that allows you to request it as a refund.
Yes that's menu path. Mine is there with the figure that was calculated and displayed at the end of completing the SA.
Me too. I've completed the request a refund form three times now (over a 14 month period) and get a confirmation screen, but the money never arrives.

When I've gone back into the account several months later, the amount is still showing as available to refund.

What's especially annoying is that they keep adjusting my tax code which was changed to recognise my SIPP payments. This means that come April 2025 they will owe me a sizeable amount of money which I have lost confidence in their ability to return to me!

I should add, in previous years, the refund has been reasonably quick and completely painless. No idea why the system seems to be glitching for so many people this year.


7,106 posts

111 months

Sunday 14th July
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It's definitely seems worse this year

Mine SA shows a refund is due, but the refund page says no refund showing. In past years I've not had to think about it, refund turned up by cheque in post. I was aiming for refund this tax year but I'm rethinking that now.


33,487 posts

122 months

Sunday 14th July
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catatemyhomework said:
Me too. I've completed the request a refund form three times now (over a 14 month period) and get a confirmation screen, but the money never arrives.
Ask your new MP to look into it. Although they’re soon to go on holiday for a month.