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Fousands of Income Streams


Spare tyre

9,910 posts

133 months

Wednesday 28th February
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Hmm another OG forex signals throbber is going to plumbing.

What’s the scam then


131 posts

38 months

Wednesday 28th February
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Just a super small-scale, more physical model of the Fake Guru scam: pretend you have a clue what you're doing, receive payment, run away and block whilst bots (and your mum) shower social media and Trustpilot with positive reviews. Only problem is it's in person: people can photograph the bad work and you doing it, and someone might finally fill one of the scrotes in. One of them will surely set up an Elite Plumbing Agency with lots of IG baddies, Tyron Ash style.

Speaking of Tyron, in his latest attempt to become a Tesco value Andrew Tate-esque motivational speaker he's flogging his 'Broke to Boss' course (book? No, too hard). Odd that he'd quote Scarface at the end given his embarrassing past, as 'someone' pointed out in the comments. Enjoy.


Spare tyre

9,910 posts

133 months

Thursday 29th February
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Private_eye said:
Just a super small-scale, more physical model of the Fake Guru scam: pretend you have a clue what you're doing, receive payment, run away and block whilst bots (and your mum) shower social media and Trustpilot with positive reviews. Only problem is it's in person: people can photograph the bad work and you doing it, and someone might finally fill one of the scrotes in. One of them will surely set up an Elite Plumbing Agency with lots of IG baddies, Tyron Ash style.

Speaking of Tyron, in his latest attempt to become a Tesco value Andrew Tate-esque motivational speaker he's flogging his 'Broke to Boss' course (book? No, too hard). Odd that he'd quote Scarface at the end given his embarrassing past, as 'someone' pointed out in the comments. Enjoy.


I know of at least one whizz who left sofx and went to Tyron to flog gaffs, was posting continuously and then stopped.

Wonder where he is now

This fella

Edited by Spare tyre on Thursday 29th February 18:56


57 months

Thursday 29th February
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Spare tyre said:

I know of at least one whizz who left sofx and went to Tyron to flog gaffs, was posting continuously and then stopped.

Wonder where he is now
In hiding?


19,418 posts

218 months

Thursday 29th February
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bhstewie said:
Digger said:
Do people really fall for this st though?

I mean how much money are these guys really making off subs.
You don't make any money from subs, you make it from views. And with the kind of view numbers he's getting, he's probably easily clearing £2-£3 a month!


10,060 posts

121 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Two to three pounds?

Spare tyre

9,910 posts

133 months

Sunday 3rd March
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ApOrbital said:
Two to three pounds?
Just one of multiple streams no doubt

Noticed George linf of former Southampton SOFX has geared up with a new paid sponsorship push on instagram

Some footage is from Southampton, curious

I wonder what the authorities in doo bye think, I suspect they don’t care as long as the money is flowing inward

Comical how he states what does and doesn’t work

Edited by Spare tyre on Sunday 3rd March 14:14


3,058 posts

236 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Moving a way from the Southampton love in for a moment…


57 months

Wednesday 6th March
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eyebeebe said:
Moving a way from the Southampton love in for a moment…

What a knob but how funny he got caught out.

Spare tyre

9,910 posts

133 months

Wednesday 6th March
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pocketspring said:
eyebeebe said:
Moving a way from the Southampton love in for a moment…

What a knob but how funny he got caught out.
Back to the Southampton love in, I remember lee Davis and mates hanging around the posh estates parking nearly on drives to give the impression of living there


3,058 posts

236 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Spare tyre said:
Back to the Southampton love in, I remember lee Davis and mates hanging around the posh estates parking nearly on drives to give the impression of living there
I hope you took the Southampton comment in the good humour it was intended smile

Same as renting an hour with a TV set private jet or a supercar or whatever and pretending it's yours. Par for the course with these scamming assholes.


Original Poster:

1,775 posts

125 months

Thursday 7th March
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Kez is back... obviously needs some quick cash.


22,841 posts

143 months

Friday 8th March
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MWM3 said:
Kez is back... obviously needs some quick cash.

I find it amazing that there will actually be people out there who will see that Instagram post and go ahead with what he claims he is offering, it is just baffling.

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Friday 8th March
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1. Here's a car that isn't mine

2. It's 'their' you cretin


6,748 posts

124 months

Friday 8th March
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Save time by having one massive tooth to clean.


6,875 posts

168 months

Friday 8th March
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South West self-publicist Matt "I once worked for Michael Jackson" Fiddes seems to be entering the realms of get-rich-quick schemes, ably assisted by an ex-alcoholic pop star, a supermodel no one remembers, a man who faked bending spoons and a serial electoral failure. On the plus side, he dow at least own his Ferrari, rather than rent it.

Obviously the gushing praise of the newspaper article is entirely the journalist's take on it, and the article was not at all written by Mr Fiddes' PR dept.


1,980 posts

48 months

Friday 8th March
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Ari said:
bhstewie said:
Digger said:
Do people really fall for this st though?

I mean how much money are these guys really making off subs.
You don't make any money from subs, you make it from views. And with the kind of view numbers he's getting, he's probably easily clearing £2-£3 a month!
It's surprising how few views you get, as well. My wife has a business account on Instagram, showcasing 'makes' from her hand-made crafts business. She has about 11k subcribers to the page, but when she posts it usually only actually gets shown to between 50 and maybe 200 of them. Just the way the algorithms work - you would expect it to show up in the feeds of all her subscribers, but it doesn't by a (very!) long way. It shows the post to a few, and if enough of them click Like it gets shown to more, and so on - so occasionally she'll get a much more successful post (and hopefully some sales via Etsy) if the first few it's shown to hit Like. She is nowhere near able to monetize the thing directly.

It's a never ending game trying to tweak the posts such that the algorithms show it to enough people to be worth the effort of posting at all. They change all the time, it's quite hard work actually. It's also why YouTubers are endlessly exhorting their viewers to 'hit Like and Subscribe'.


264 posts

38 months

Friday 8th March
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Trawling thisismoney for angry pensioner comment sections I came across this dhead:

After a quick google you not only find his crappy page where he's trying to sell courses on trading stocks, you find his youtube:

For someone trying to flog a course he's not qualified to be offering, my god he's dull...

Spare tyre

9,910 posts

133 months

Sunday 10th March
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I have just been to Asda in Southampton, pretty confident I saw one of the watts twins. Looked dopey as per usual


27,726 posts

274 months

Monday 11th March
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Spare tyre said:
I have just been to Asda in Southampton, pretty confident I saw one of the watts twins. Looked dopey as per usual
James was in the Talisman the last time I was there.