I just rented out my flat - Council bribed me

I just rented out my flat - Council bribed me


BoRED S2upid

19,857 posts

243 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
I've been in many houses decorated to a much higher standard than my own home. These people don't work, their children don't and they have no intention of working. In the early 90s I knew second generation non workers who actively spoke about the ways to dodge work and keep on sleeping in every day.

Do you blame them? Then bring another child into the world.

Imagine a life of never having to work- someone pays you not to.

There is no incentive to work. As a single young male I had the choice of knock someone up (no not my style then), starve or work my ass off.
Drives me mad. I only know one non working family well (everyone else is working their ass off to get by) they have 4!!! Kids big house, free car because the 4th has disabilities but they walk to school (his disabilities aren’t physical) I’ve no idea what they do all day every day buts it’s definitely not stacking shelves in Asda or working yourself to the bone for Amazon.

There is no way we could afford another 2 kids and a house as big as theirs. Madness!

Rusty Old-Banger

4,357 posts

216 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Tigerj said:
Parents getting paid to take their own kids to school.
Tell me more. 3 x kids, 3 x different schools (due to RAAC closing their original communal school, and them getting surrogate spaces all across town), the school run is an utter fking nightmare!


4,448 posts

227 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Mate (old work colleague) married a woman with two girls. She'd had them as a teenager.

Whole family absolute dossers. Work shy. On benefits. She wanted a champagne lifestyle yet worked 20 hrs a week at tesco. Complained constantly that he didn't spend enough on her.

Few years later the youngest daughter gets pregnant at 15.

Not spoke to him for years, but recently he sent a pic of his "grandson", himself now a teenager, holding his new baby.

So that's 3 in a row having kids in their teens.

He's a great grandad and he's only just 60.

We waited until i was in my 30s before having our first because we wanted to make sure we could afford it. Then another 4 yrs for a 2nd after moving to a larger house with a big mortgage in a nicer area. All carefully considered choices.


1,993 posts

114 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I used a benefits calculator to see what we would be entitled to if we had two small children and no jobs.

IIRC it wasn’t enough for us to live on.


7,248 posts

60 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Puzzles said:
I used a benefits calculator to see what we would be entitled to if we had two small children and no jobs.

IIRC it wasn’t enough for us to live on.
From what I have seen, you do need to know how to work it and what to claim for. A couple I know of claim everything possible and have instructed their kids and now grandkids on what illnesses to focus on for maximum benefits. Tragic really. Their 18yr old grandson has effectively been signed off work for life because he wants to play online games all night, so is too tired for any kind of work. Either their doctor is gullible, stupid or just agreeing to everything for an easy life. The wife of the couple has been declared disabled as she can't walk more than 10 paces unaided, which is absolute bks, as she can walk further and faster than I can.

Rusty Old-Banger

4,357 posts

216 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Red9zero said:
Puzzles said:
I used a benefits calculator to see what we would be entitled to if we had two small children and no jobs.

IIRC it wasn’t enough for us to live on.
From what I have seen, you do need to know how to work it and what to claim for. A couple I know of claim everything possible and have instructed their kids and now grandkids on what illnesses to focus on for maximum benefits. Tragic really. Their 18yr old grandson has effectively been signed off work for life because he wants to play online games all night, so is too tired for any kind of work. Either their doctor is gullible, stupid or just agreeing to everything for an easy life. The wife of the couple has been declared disabled as she can't walk more than 10 paces unaided, which is absolute bks, as she can walk further and faster than I can.
I knew a guy who would stay up all night before any Jobseekers interview so he looked as rough as fk, and sometimes deliberately st himself in the interview to ensure that people thought he was completely unsuitable for work. He could rebuild his mini without any problems though.


1,993 posts

114 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Yes it’s all alien to me.

Excluding council tax support and child benefit, and as someone who is an owner occupier the amount was £1193.44 a month.

A decent amount of course, but that’s not going to pay the interest on my mortgage, the bills and feed 4 people.

So I guess I won’t be quitting any time soon.


27,138 posts

164 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
Acorn1 said:
I have a two bed flat which I have just refurbished.

I put the property on he market and had numerous applicants. Being honest I would have preferred a working couple, however I had a number of HB applicants.

I agreed to rent to this one girl who seemed nice and her mother was prepared to act as guarantor if required.

Single Mum, small child, not working, she informed me that the first months rent and deposit would be coming from the Council and she can top up the £225pcm shortfall going forward as she receives £1300pcm in Universal Credit.

Housing officer called me to confirm and then told me they would also pay me £1800.00 on top as an incentive! Which was suprising.

This was obviously fine by me.

That have also assigned a dedicated housing officer to her for the next 12 months who will support her throughout the tenancy.

However, it made me realise how much I would have to earn to cover all the costs, £1100pcm rent, £2500p.a council & £1300pcm UC.

I'd need to be earning £40k p.a before tax.

It's little wonder we have so many economically inactive people.

Purely an observation
I've been in many houses decorated to a much higher standard than my own home. These people don't work, their children don't and they have no intention of working. In the early 90s I knew second generation non workers who actively spoke about the ways to dodge work and keep on sleeping in every day.

Do you blame them? Then bring another child into the world.

Imagine a life of never having to work- someone pays you not to.

There is no incentive to work. As a single young male I had the choice of knock someone up (no not my style then), starve or work my ass off.
A branch of my family (by marriage) is like that. Neice has 2 kids by different fathers, doesn't work and has a flat paid for by the council. Her mum has 5 kids by different fathers and has only ever done part time work, has a house paid for by the council. Grandparents never worked and lived in a council house.

My daughter has just left Uni with 50k debt. Rent alone would be more than half her wages. Her and her boyfriend are saving for a property but it seems like an impossible dream. Not a chance they could afford kids!

BoRED S2upid

19,857 posts

243 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Rusty Old-Banger said:
I knew a guy who would stay up all night before any Jobseekers interview so he looked as rough as fk, and sometimes deliberately st himself in the interview to ensure that people thought he was completely unsuitable for work. He could rebuild his mini without any problems though.
st himself?

I think I will stick to working. Not sure I could do that just to avoid the 9-5!


348 posts

99 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Rusty Old-Banger said:
Tell me more. 3 x kids, 3 x different schools (due to RAAC closing their original communal school, and them getting surrogate spaces all across town), the school run is an utter fking nightmare!
You need to get a kid with either autism, adhd or some other disorder. There are “support groups”, who will tell you what to say to get the green tick.

Then say your kid can’t travel in car with others and only will travel with you, bonus points if you can get them to spit on or bite some one. Then there you go get paid for your mileage and excuse why you can’t work as you have to be on call for child at school.

If you are really good you can claim that the only use for the car is to take child to and from school and you can get the car lease covered too.


2,333 posts

193 months

Wednesday 19th June
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LowTread said:
a single mum is being thrown money to put a roof over her head
What alternative is better for the single mum and the state?

Rusty Old-Banger

4,357 posts

216 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Tigerj said:
Rusty Old-Banger said:
Tell me more. 3 x kids, 3 x different schools (due to RAAC closing their original communal school, and them getting surrogate spaces all across town), the school run is an utter fking nightmare!
You need to get a kid with either autism, adhd or some other disorder. There are “support groups”, who will tell you what to say to get the green tick.

Then say your kid can’t travel in car with others and only will travel with you, bonus points if you can get them to spit on or bite some one. Then there you go get paid for your mileage and excuse why you can’t work as you have to be on call for child at school.

If you are really good you can claim that the only use for the car is to take child to and from school and you can get the car lease covered too.


12,504 posts

182 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Don't forget the 1 crunchers payment. An easy game to play spotting them at the supermarket dragging their 'support stick ' round.


7,043 posts

161 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Tigerj said:
That’s before you start including and ECHP financing too. If the kid has one the benefits cap is lifted. Some of the figures are staggering.

Parents getting paid to take their own kids to school. Horse riding lessons for anxiety, holidays.
Tigerj said:
You need to get a kid with either autism, adhd or some other disorder. There are “support groups”, who will tell you what to say to get the green tick.

Then say your kid can’t travel in car with others and only will travel with you, bonus points if you can get them to spit on or bite some one. Then there you go get paid for your mileage and excuse why you can’t work as you have to be on call for child at school.

If you are really good you can claim that the only use for the car is to take child to and from school and you can get the car lease covered too.
Not sure why you’re bringing this up in a thread about renting a house, or indeed with the clear bias that autism and ADHD aren’t valid conditions?


313 posts

179 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Poor lass.


945 posts

105 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Indeed. People often don’t realise that the vast majority of benefits ‘received’ goes into the pockets of landlords.


161 posts

39 months

Wednesday 19th June
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was8v said:
We should be proud as a society that we have these safety nets
I am certainly proud that (looks at pay stub)..... 43% of my income is taken in tax and NI. Makes me very happy.


7,248 posts

60 months

Wednesday 19th June
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nuyorican said:
Indeed. People often don’t realise that the vast majority of benefits ‘received’ goes into the pockets of landlords.
The couple I know who are on pretty decent benefits own their own house.


26,472 posts

176 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Puzzles said:
Yes it’s all alien to me.

Excluding council tax support and child benefit, and as someone who is an owner occupier the amount was £1193.44 a month.

A decent amount of course, but that’s not going to pay the interest on my mortgage, the bills and feed 4 people.

So I guess I won’t be quitting any time soon.
You don't get to own your house, you get given one to use.


4,448 posts

227 months

Wednesday 19th June
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robscot said:
LowTread said:
a single mum is being thrown money to put a roof over her head
What alternative is better for the single mum and the state?
The parents?
The father?

It's too late for her now, but if you bring a kid into the world it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Expecting the state to pay out just because you've done something so unimpressive and completely natural as popped a kid out.

It's the lack of education and control from both (new) grand parents.

I know there are gaps and genuine cases that need support, and that's fine, but making it a lifestyle choice and career is just sickening.