What’s your big gamble? (Volume 4)

What’s your big gamble? (Volume 4)


500 Miles

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229 months

Sunday 12th September 2021
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Phooey said:
Adam. said:
ego also pissed on my GCAT chips with a timely warning over possible board incompetence.

NGHT is one I was looking at too, seeing as the froth has come off, though RBG is doing bugger all for me
I got into NGHT by FOMO. I'd be happy for my money back on that one.

re POW - by coincidence it's at the end of this vid I was just watching. Interesting and very bullish...

I wouldn’t worry about RBG or NGHT - both appear to be trading well and I think will re-rerate soon. Difficult to know which one will do better in the short to mid term.. NGHT possibly as they’re the more aggressive from an expansion perspective.

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 13th September 2021
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vulture1 said:
500 Miles said:
Phooey said:
Adam. said:
ego also pissed on my GCAT chips with a timely warning over possible board incompetence.

NGHT is one I was looking at too, seeing as the froth has come off, though RBG is doing bugger all for me
I got into NGHT by FOMO. I'd be happy for my money back on that one.

re POW - by coincidence it's at the end of this vid I was just watching. Interesting and very bullish...

I wouldn’t worry about RBG or NGHT - both appear to be trading well and I think will re-rerate soon. Difficult to know which one will do better in the short to mid term.. NGHT possibly as they’re the more aggressive from an expansion perspective.
What exactly is a "rerate" is it an official thing or is it just people realising a share is under priced and people start buying it?
Yeah, just a term for when the market wakes up to a share - that’s how I see it anyway however not an expert

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 14th September 2021
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MikeStroud said:
Same. I've nailed my colours to the mast of this one. If it sinks, so do I!
I like your style smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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petemurphy said:
deepverge results tomorrow whos still in? nothing like a gerry presentation to move the sp up and down.
I still have a decent amount in.. usually my holding is worth considerably less after a GB presentation.. and today did not disappoint! smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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petemurphy said:
At least idp is up a little thanks to some bloke buying more…
Glad to be of assistance smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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Phooey said:
CLCO. Not in it myself but any particular reason for the relatively big drop? 500 Miles, you still in? It’s one I’ve been watching since mentioned a few weeks ago.
I'm in it for the long haul - definitely one to hold with a long term view, it's likely going to be volatile due to current liquidity - wouldn't take much to significantly increase or decrease the SP.

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Friday 24th September 2021
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Our crazy ginger Mexican ex posted a late RNS - relatively upbeat in tone.. could be an interesting Monday.

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 26th September 2021
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Meeten-5dulx said:
500 Miles said:
Our crazy ginger Mexican ex posted a late RNS - relatively upbeat in tone.. could be an interesting Monday.
I wish I had taken the opp to save down on Amigo, but instead went for some random IT company.

One that may have been mentioned in Vol 1, MOS is doing rather well of late.
Had been sitting under in that one for a while .. which means there is hope for all my other turd holdings.

Sold some RR today, in at 109 and out at 134.
Was good to actually capitalise on some profit….
Would that be the same random IT company that’s gone up 46% since being tipped and 20% on Friday?

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 26th September 2021
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Phooey said:
Quite enjoyed todays Roast - good argument for and against taking profits and backs up what I'm seeing in that PI's are taking their profits and run hence stocks not holding onto the upwards momentum https://www.voxmarkets.co.uk/articles/traders-cafe...
Thanks Phooey, will have a listen later

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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Adam. said:
This is not advice etc

Chatted to someone who knows the bar market and some of the BoD members well and he made me feel better about my choices.

Said RBG well run and should do well, and avoid NGHT
I agree with half of that smile I think the next few weeks should be interesting for both of them - Both have been trading strongly - Revs have had some time to test their new format “Founders and co”, NGHT have refreshed some bars and have announced a pipeline of others that are opening.

NGHT probably more likely to announce another reasonable acquisition, this coupled with an aggressive LCC and ABG rollout means they’ll start catching up on RBG from an estate size perspective.

NGHT better at investor relations than RBG imho - Revs always impresses me with their employee engagement. They serve different markets and the management team are taking a different approach to growth but I reckon both SP’s will double and then some... I won’t put a date on that happening smile

Ps. I’ve done my own research by drinking heavily in a number of their bars - no need to thank me.. smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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Aiminghigh123 said:
PFC still holding on to gains touch wood. If it gets to it’s 52 week high I will dump the rest. That will be a nice little earner for what has been a riskyish share.

BP and RDSB I’m now 50% up on both!!!

No need SYME to come good ready for my Porsche for Xmas!!!! 2p please. Yeah right!!!
Great result on BP/ and RDSB! Good luck on Syme smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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Skyedriver said:
Aiminghigh123 said:
Now need SYME to come good ready for my Porsche for Xmas!!!! 2p please. Yeah right!!!
I was planning a Lancia Integrale when Amigo hit a £1, just sayin' like...
Probably as likely to go to a £1 than 0p... a £1 would be a great result- I just wished that if it’s going to go bust that it does so quickly...

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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MikeStroud said:
Chris Type R said:
Those MMs with their fear tactics !

My theory about the fuel crisis is that end Sept is end of Q3 for BP. I reckon the bod are on a bonus to hit some revenue number but are a bit off at the moment... enter a nicely timed leak that fuel is in short supply. Next thing they're shifting all their stock at whatever price they can get away with. Ker....ching.
Wonder how we start a rumour that vodka is in short supply...

500 Miles

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229 months

Monday 27th September 2021
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Chris Type R said:
500 Miles said:
Wonder how we start a rumour that vodka is in short supply...
And the fake tan.
I like your thinking big man!

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Tuesday 28th September 2021
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DRFC1879 said:
I've mentioned on here several times that TRX is my biggest hope for multiple bags. Directors have been loading up and this morning they released a TR1 RNS with an II increasing their stake. I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time!) but I'm very confident that sooner or later it'll re-rate to multiples of the current SP.
Sounds good - not my biggest holding but up 65%, would be great if it multibags from here.

It was a tip from here -thank you smile

500 Miles

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229 months

Tuesday 28th September 2021
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Adam. said:
500 Miles said:
Ps. I’ve done my own research by drinking heavily in a number of their bars - no need to thank me.. smile
I have had the misfortune of ending up in the Clapham adventure bar a few times, looks like they have rebranded to “Tonight Josephine” or something which is odd, would have thought they would have had a loyal following and known brand.

I think it’s a good time to buy up distressed bars and restaurants, people will always want to go out a have a drink or 10.

But I respect this friends experience and he has worked with people on both boards, so I will go with his advice for now
Agree, some of the names seem a bit out there but they seem to appeal to the target audience - Tonight Josephine in Waterloo does amazing business - mostly female and under 30.

Hopefully both groups do well - who knows, they may come together in the future to benefit from scale.

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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GPH said:
Adam. said:
Earl of Hazzard said:
Just bought some more RBG. Good lth me thinks
Yep I have an order set for another 10k shares today
It certainly still has a lot of potential when it's still only trading at a third of its pre-covid February 2020 price of 64p
Interesting that our friend Mr Ward ....... upped his holding to a rather significant 9.83% three months ago but the TR1 only just appeared a week ago.
So he must still think its a winner
Ward needs to sort out his personal admin...

I’ve heard a rumour there might be another TR1 next week..

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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MikeStroud said:
Chris Type R said:
500 Miles said:
Ward needs to sort out his personal admin...
All evidence suggests he spends most of his time lathering up in fake tan, visiting branches of the Revolution Bars chain and market testing Prolong. The gaps for performing admin tasks must be narrow.
Maybe the Prolong works too well and he only gets 10 mins "down time" every 24 hours. Hardly surprising the poor fella is way behind with his TR1's he's completely knackered.
It's always a problem when supply outstrips demand...

500 Miles

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1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Phooey said:
500 Miles said:
Do I get one of those for my 10000 shares smile
You can always do a voluntary TR-1 smile Or just have some vodka shots instead...

500 Miles

Original Poster:

1,798 posts

229 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Phooey said:
500 Miles said:
You can always do a voluntary TR-1 smile Or just have some vodka shots instead...
Vodka shots sounds more interesting smile

I keep hearing of (trendy) bars being busy at the moment but wondered if the pent up demand will last long enough to aid a bit of a recovery to their financials. Suppose Dec should be relatively busy. The only places I've witnessed doing good business are ones which serve food (not Wetherspoons type but more upmarket venues). Management is key IMO to pub/bar chains. Interested in a bit more detail (if you can give it) to why you are invested in RBG and NGHT. Totally understand if can't or rather not make public. Cheers.
I bought into Revs and Nightcap for two different reasons initially.

Revs was cheap... the shareprice plummeted to circa 8/9p at one point and it just looked amazingly good value. I wish I’d bought all my shares at that price but have bought through a range - they were obviously cheap for a reason... bars were closed at the time. Debts were piling up, no end in sight due to no vaccine at the time. So.. it was definitely a gamble but I knew there lenders were very supportive and the management took swift action to lower their burn rate so I thought it was a risk worth taking. I was very close to putting an offer in for the entire company but then rather inconveniently someone invented a vaccine and the shares bounced... I spent quite a lot of time in Revs prior to investing and prior to the pandemic - It’s fair to say that I’ve extensively tested their range of vodka shots...

They’ve got a solid management team and I liked how they continued to innovate even during the darkest days of the pandemic, this has allowed them to come out fighting. They did a great job of getting rid of poorly performing sites during the pandemic and they have also reduced costs significantly across the board. Team morale seems really high and the bars are incredibly busy during peak times - one thing they seem to have really improved during the pandemic is their food offering and also their reputation when it comes to food. I’d expect lunch sales to be significantly higher post pandemic than they were pre-pandemic.

They are launching interesting new concepts with the first one already open in Swansea (Founders & co).

In my opinion they screwed up the recent rights issue and probably pissed off a number of shareholders - not cool to ramp a share and then announce a rights issue straight after. The rights issue reduced their debt down to a reasonable level.

Nightcap - I didn’t think the valuation was cheap but I really liked the management team, infact they are probably the most switched on and cohesive management team I’ve dealt with. Often you get one or two stars, or a number of stars who don’t all seem joined up... with Nightcap it was different. Very cohesive, very smart and very driven - it’s got less of a corporate feel than Revs and their shareholder engagement is much better. They also seem to have a better sales team than Revs and seem to do a better job of selling advance packages however I believe Revs will catchup on this.

I think both are great companies (I’m obvs biased) and I think both will have a good run into the new year - Rbg should be announcing results very soon.. i don’t see them being anything less than positive, although they may have a cautious forward looking statement.. Nightcap have announced 3 new bars in the past few weeks and have another 5 close to being announced - not bad from a growth perspective.

Hope that helps... bit of a random stream of thought..

TL:DR - Revs sells vodka, I love vodka. Nightcap full of good looking people.