Election Spin has started - 'Migrant tax'

Election Spin has started - 'Migrant tax'



Original Poster:

2,850 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Couldn't do a search so might be a pearoast, sorry!
itn news said:
'Migrant tax' gets go-ahead
Economic migrants and students coming to the UK from outside the EU will have to pay a £50 levy towards the costs of the public services.

If ever there was a piece of populist spin it's this! £50 / person (or two weeks council tax for a cheap flat where I live), and only for those outside the EU and new migrants only. £50! It's gunna take far far more than that to inforce it surely! Is it me or just this just sound like spin for Sun readers without intending to actually deter migrant workers too much?


Original Poster:

2,850 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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scorp said:
A lot of economic migrants coming from outside the EU usually are from the highly skilled bracket and generally have to jump through a lot of hoops to prove that rather than the manual labour types we get from inside the EU. WTF is the government thinking ? oh yeah, pandering to it's ignorant mouth breathing 'core voters' punch
That's exactly how I read it...