Brown sycophants - you'll love this!

Brown sycophants - you'll love this!



Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I love this:

Arse Kissing Sycophant said:
Defence Secretary John Hutton told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that, if Iran continued with its nuclear weapons programme, it "would be very destabilising for the region and the world. The consequences of that are too frightening to think about".

Mr Brown's speech would be a "restatement of what our policy is" and was "absolutely the kind of speech Barack Obama could make".
From this article:

Comparing "Winky Mcfknut" to Obama is a bit like comparing Wayne (romancer of the elderly) Rooney to Casanova.


Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
quotequote all
benoli said:
anonymous said:
It's all over the web - and growing...

Just google it.