BBC News this morning...OMG!!!!!

BBC News this morning...OMG!!!!!



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185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I am in shock...this is quite long, but fairly interesting...

''Police are expecting more victims to come forward after a caravan fan was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting any female he could snare.
CVM, 51, of Caravanshire, was convicted at Campington Crown Court of attacking 1245 women.
Officers say CVM is linked to 858 attacks in the UK areas dating back to the onset of his puberty.
But they fear there could be thousands more victims and have appealed to them to come forward from the caravanning community.

The BBC's crime correspondent, Ben Nando-Chicken, said police sources had indicated that CVM might have attacked in excess of 200 women only last week.
Outside court, Det Insp Dave Reid, of the Metropolitan Police, said: "There may be some women who have had experience of CVM who have not yet reported that matter to the police, due to PTSD and the shame of falling for the old ‘Want to see my nice selection of Shabitat cushions and help me choose some more for my static mansion?’.

"I would ask any women who has anything to report to us that they do so, especially those in the Bingo playing community."
Det Insp Reid praised the "courage" of the 145 women and a canine who gave evidence in court.
Police have opened a special forum - on Pistonheads - for women to name and shame if they believe they may have fallen prey to CVM.
'Rape kit'
The court heard how the licensed camper picked his lone victims up in The Pie & Piston or at local Bingo houses, and gave them Lambrusco, claiming he had won large amounts of money on the scratchcards and Foxy Bingo.
Detective Inspector Dave Reid asks for other women to come forward
He was convicted of one rape, five sexual assaults, 22 of buggery with tent poles, one attempted assault, sex with a dog caught on dictaphone and 12 drugging charges committed from July 2007 to February 2008.

CVM had denied all the offences and was also cleared of two drugging charges.
Trial judge Mr Justice Pervy-Davey adjourned sentencing until 21 April for reports but told CVM to expect a "very substantial experience of bum action throughout imprisonment".
Prosecutors said CVM targeted 140234 women in total over 18 months until February 2008.
CVM admitted lying to the women and offering them the caravan of love experience but claimed he did it because he craved female attention in the wake of a series of failed relationships.
But police discovered a "rape kit", including gloves, alcohol, gimp mask, glasses, drugs, condoms, WD40, pink Smarties and a sex toy concealed in a plastic bag in another caravan at his home.
'Dangerous and evil'
One woman who fears she was another victim of CVM, although her case was not included in the charges, says she believes he gave her a spiked Babycham after picking her up outside a Mecca Bingo.
Sarah Craigie told Skank News: "A gentleman told me he had a good day at the bingo with some friends and he had won some money, and he asked me if I wanted to help celebrate with him. He offered me Lambrini, WKD, Asti the lot.

Police seized bottles of spiked alcohol following the arrest of CVM
"I had a can of Diet Coke and I was drinking that and he was telling me about the bouncy balls in the cage when the room started to spin.
"I really do think that my drink was spiked, 100%. I know what being drunk is like and I wasn't drunk, I felt very disorientated, I felt very vulnerable, especially when he started to forcefeed me pink Smarties."

Tony Connell, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said prosecutors were extremely grateful to the victims who came forward to give evidence.
He said: "They have played a very great role in ensuring that a dangerous and evil man has been put away. And the public are greatly protected from him."
Commander Mark Simmons, head of the Metropolitan Police's violent crime directorate, stressed it was still safe for women to go to bingo and campsites.

"To find someone who is in a position that is generally regarded as almost being one of trust as a caravanner who abuses that trust, this is highly unusual," he said.
"We advise anyone going online late at night, camping or visiting their local Bingo emporium to take sensible precautions to make sure they get home safely. But we're not in any way changing our advice around the use of safe forms of caravanning."


Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Blimey o' riley, reactions a tad extreme on here methinks, unless I am being too soft!!! ''Weird''?? *Sniffle* I only wanted to have some fun whilst waiting to use the bathroom!!!!
I was up early this morning and bored stless, and happened to read BBC news website, when I clocked the story about the taxi driver rapist...decided to play about with words a bit for a giggle just to make some peeps smile...blimey, what responses I got, eh!!? Perhaps I am just being a sensitive girly...
Never been called a stalker before...flippin' 'eck...only chap I'm obsessed with is my partner biggrin

I've been oop London all day with beloved, browsing St Martin's Lane model shop and Motor books and braving the crowds in Cybercandy, and didn't expect any replies, if I'm honest!! yikes

Again...blimey o' riley, I'm off for a glass of vino!!

Edited by Stephikins on Saturday 14th March 18:54


Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
quotequote all Only the groovy 4x4 that I have seen hooning about in Sussex...oh poo, where is this leading...


Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Sorry if I offended anyone...I shall stick to being all fluffy wuffy and giggling about bunnies (NOT BOILING THEM, YOU G*TS!!!) and Carebears.




Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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I have a French/Polish/Irish/East End blood, was raised in Esseeex and I have worked in the medical/caring profession for over 10 years...of course I am certifiably 'nanas, jeesh.

As for that bloomin' pic of me, I was tiddly (ruddy cheeks - check. Wonky eyes - check. Shiny bonce - check. Imagining that I look hot but actually look pants - check).drunk

Best bog off now, as this P&P gets quite addictive, and I evidently get carried away, oh, and that bottle of wine needs to be opened!!


Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Saturday 14th March 2009
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Right, I have put a better pic on there...a beloved DS with a V8 cloud9


Original Poster:

28 posts

185 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Goodness me, this is STILL rattling on??? I popped on here in good faith to catch up on the Harry Flashamn saga (cheaper than reading the Sunday rags and all the Katone cr@p) and lo, my 'joke' aimed to make at least 1 person laugh (even if that 1 person was only me biggrin ) has continued into a character assasination frown Nice friendly place this, eh??

I have been an inactive member of PH for a while, as other motor forums seemed to be a bit too serious/specific or full of young lads who cannot grasp the idea that a chick just wants to talk about cars and join in the fun, but nowt naughty.
It a real shame that I feel the need to explain myself to people who are calling me weird and joining in the mocking with a passion which seems to go beyond gentle joshing at one point, who have no idea who I all just cyber sticks 'n' stones thank goodness !!!). Even my OH thought that things had got a wee bit, um, nasty on one occasion? Shame, as OP was only meant in jest.

I finally decided to have a peep in P&P after officially registering in Feb..y'know, meet the regulars, chatter to like-minded car-bods and keep up with the Tales of Flashman ...I seem to recall that many were over-familiar with me (in a jokey way, of course...) so I saw this as a green light, and decided to make some fun back...sheeeesh!!!

Lesson will stay in General Gassing now as the P&P is obviously not the kinda drinking establishment a lady with a quirky sense of humour (OK, maybe only I get it, but hey, I can keep myself entertained!) should frequent, alone!!

I shall continue to read the HF saga, but dare not show my face again lest I be accused of being a strange, over-familar bunny-boiler. This hit a raw nerve as I have had the displeasure of being the stalked and it was horrid...and no, I have never stalked a guy, as I am too bloomin proud and shy too. Sorry to those who feel they deserved an apology, thanks to those who saw it for what it really was...a p*ss-take!!!

Goodbye for now wavey