Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution

Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution



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195 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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The Government said:
Four people have been arrested this morning in connection with an investigation into the distribution of leaflets in Lancashire which claim Muslims are responsible for the heroin trade.
A 41-year-old man from Burnley, a 43 year-old man from Blackburn, a 53-year-old man from Preston and a 57-year-old man from Nelson were all arrested today on suspicion of the publication and distribution of written material intended to stir up racial hatred and the possession of racially inflammatory material.
They will be questioned by detectives at Burnley Police Station during the course of the day.
It is commonly known that a ridiculously high percentage of the worlds Opium is grown in Afghanistan and this directly funds the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

I can see why people don't like heroin dealers. I don't think we need to talk about the fact that heroin has a bad effect on all the communities it is present in.

They where not ''claiming'' anything. Where these men not just stating facts?

If people where distributing leaflets explaining that british troops are fighting a war in a muslim country and this is wrong, all involved are scum- would they too be arrested?

They would be stirring racial hatred and spreading racially inflammatory material - based on an opinion.

They are not arrested and questioned, simply introduced to the people they hate and given protection.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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TheEnd said:
Just BNP idiots trying to find a reason to moan about muslims again.
I don't support the BNP.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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This thread is not so much about the Heroin trade.

It is certainly not about accusing all Muslims of being heroin dealers.

I feel it should be about free speech and why people are permitted to preach racist opinion but not fact?

Edited by plasticpusher on Friday 13th March 22:36


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Friday 13th March 2009
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Glocko said:
plasticpusher said:
davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make PP?
Free speech and why people are permitted to preach racist opinion but not fact?


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Friday 13th March 2009
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This is current affairs.

It is a topic of hot debate. Not the P&P going racist.

I don't think they where accusing all muslims of being involved in the heroin trade. Only morons would think that.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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TheEnd said:
Just BNP idiots trying to find a reason to moan about muslims again.
The BNP policy does not represent all peoples views on racism.

The ''BNP'' is not an umbrella term for hostile feelings towards certain muslims in the UK. Just as Al Qaeda does not describe muslim protestors.

Edit: Put in a more relevant quote.

Edited by plasticpusher on Friday 13th March 22:57


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Friday 13th March 2009
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Fabric 2.2 said:
Is it okay for me to use Colombian heroin, and coke then?
Yes... thinking about it.. I think it is... should you be so inclined.

Certainly the better alternative.

Think about the flow of money and what it ends up funding.

Off the original intention of the topic though.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
Mr Green said:
Has anyone noticed this "news" article is dated 19th November 2008, it's 4 months old.

Edited by Mr Green on Friday 13th March 23:00
Wow. A whole four months. Its positively ancient history. Still very relavent.
Remember, tomorrows newspapers will contain nothing but old news, cos it happened yesterday. smile
Plus I never said it was breaking.. just relevant to a debate on BBC 1 I saw last night and via various other forms of media.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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TomE said:
Do all Muslims have to tick a box on the immigration leaflet stating that they are not radical?
Perhaps we should say 3% is enough -

stop letting people in smash


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Friday 13th March 2009
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And try to manage what we have.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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Fabric 2.2 said:
Tell you what mate, when the IRA starts raising poppy fields i'll begin to worry.
I always found it fascinating that one of the most wanted men in the world, Joaquín Guzmán, was thought to be hiding small port town in Ireland recently.

You would suspect that he has friends there.

He is one of the biggest drug dealers in the world by the way.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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kenny Chim 4 said:
plasticpusher said:
And try to manage what we have.
Yeah, right:

Kinda had enough of these turds who are now bleeding as much cash as they can from the taxpayer, whilst inciting hatred to those who inadvertantly, financially support them. I seriously hope that the next government listens to the majority in their wish not to give these third world, backward scum cash to support their jihad.

It makes me sick to recall that money raised from Children In Need was used to fund the 7/7 bombers (google it).

Is it time to bring back the

Well how verrrrry dare you sir!


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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For those of you that don't bother clicking on the link.. this is what he said

Anjem Choudary said:

Muslim fundamentalist leader today told of his vision of Britain under Sharia law.

Anjem Choudary said he wanted the “flag of Allah” flying over Downing Street, all women wearing burkas and caning for drunkenness.

He is the leader of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, founded as a successor to the banned fundamentalist sect al-Muhajiroun, which was led by now-exiled preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad.

The self-proclaimed Sharia judge admitted his followers had organised protests against British soldiers in Luton this week, waving placards which called them “murderers” for their conduct in Iraq.

Mr Choudary, a 41-year-old lawyer, said he was proud to be reviled. “It's inevitable that when you offer an alternative morality and way of life many people will hate you for it.”

He said this “alternative morality” would mean “a pure Islamic state with Sharia law in Britain” and added: “Every woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, would have to wear a traditional burka and cover everything apart from her face and hands in public.”

“In matters to do with the judicial system and the penal code, one male witness is sufficient to counter the testimony of two females. People who commit adultery would be stoned to death.”

Mr Choudary, a father of three, admitted he lived off benefits despite objecting to the British state. He rejected suggestions of hypocrisy, saying: “I don't think it's of any importance.”


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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Prof Beard said:
In my view, this thread is just more evidence that there are a bunch of BNP supporters trying to exploit PH. The number of threads focusing on "Muslims" (which is what the BNP have switched to since anti-semitism became just too unacceptable) rather than the real issues (like why Afghanis are are dependent on the smack trade) is becoming very noticable.
Caugh... ok where do I start.

Well I do not support the BNP. I find it rude for you to accuse me of that. The thought of them running our nation is frankly laughable.

By BNP are you referring to people who don't like certain muslims in our country?

I got news for you... it's not just the 14,000 BNP supporters, or however many there are.

Like I have said before... you will know at least a couple of people who have views. Now do the math.

Recent developments have caused people to talk about this. We talked about the financial crisis when it was in the news, not we are talking about muslim fundamentalists.

If you don't like or approve of a thread then you can move on to another. Nobody is forcing you to read this.


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
Prof Beard said:
How interesting that the first two VERY QUICK replies to my post are from...
It does seem like they are some kind of KKK tag team.....
I take it your are ok with Mr Chaudary being here then?

KKK, BNP all crazy accusations.

This is the feeling of most people but political correctness and a sense of enforced moral highground causes most people to shrug their shoulders and look away.

Edited by plasticpusher on Saturday 14th March 00:41


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.
I agree with your points.

But how would you define the people it should be directed toward?

It seems that there is no answer.

Kids in their early 20's turn to terrorism when nobody suspected it.

It can be argued that anybody of the muslim faith has the potential to turn, or am I wrong? It seems an easy way to summaries it to me. Not all extremists are here yet and we do not know what is breeding them.


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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TomE said:
I think he is hinting at the fact that you are both xenophobic bigots....
I work with muslims. I drink with ''muslims''.

Im not some shut off idiot preaching what I read in the press.

It is a real issue and it is naive to deny it.


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
plasticpusher said:
Dare2Fail said:
In summary I think some of the points you make are entirely valid when directed to the minority of trouble makers, but are complete bks when directed at large groups like 'Muslims'.
I agree with your points.

But how would you define the people it should be directed toward?

It seems that there is no answer.

Kids in their early 20's turn to terrorism when nobody suspected it.

It can be argued that anybody of the muslim faith has the potential to turn, or am I wrong? It seems an easy way to summaries it to me. Not all extremists are here yet and we do not know what is breeding them.
You have to be kidding me. Please tell me you are joking?

You are saying that because you can't identify an individual you should be allowed to victimise an entire religion? What about the German guy who went into the school this week and started shooting people? Surely every German has the potential to do this and therefore we should round them all up. Go back through history and you will be able to find examples of terrible acts that can be attached to all cultures/religions/races.

Just because a Muslim has been a terrorist does not give you a reason to treat all Muslims as if they are terrorists.

Out of curiosity do you mind if I ask where you are from (English, Scottish etc.) and what religion you are?
Oh im sorry. It must just be a collection of individuals with no link or common belief declaring war on the ''West''.

I am Atheist, originally from London and living in Suburbia.

How about yourself?


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Saturday 14th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
I'm a Scottish Atheist.

Do you think there may have been some English Athiests who have commited terrible acts in the past? Does that give me the right to treat you as if you were one of them?
We are talking about the present. Not the past.

I think MI5 said there is something like 2000 terrorist cells in the UK. 2-0-0-0!!!!!!

Most doing fk all all day, living on benefits, planning how to do us over - much like Mr Chaudhury.

This is NOW and very real.

Perhaps this will be looked back as history one day but it is the future for now.