Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.

Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.



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Thursday 12th March 2009
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This comic relief malarkey. It's on in the office - my assistant wanted it on and I am far too generous.

I know it's for a good cause, but I've really not seen anything quite so pathetic in my life. Every day I am subjected to the ridiculous vapid nonsense of 'celebrities', is another day when my hatred for them increases exponentially.

Oh yes, and Chris Moyles is a talentless obese disgusting oik.

Just thought I'd share.


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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Frederick said:
So when are you going to walk up a mountain for charity if it's so easy winksmile
1. Been there, done that.

2. Quite how my past and future activities relate to my objection to the televising of 'the further adventures of the terminally annoying and talentless' is beyond me.


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
If you think that was pathetic, I don't recommend you watch comic relief when it's on (tomorrow?)..
Fear not, I won't be. Tonight also I will soon be departing the office, leaving my assistant in charge, to watch 'Red Riding'.


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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IforB said:
With the back up ans support that they have had on this walk, then frankly it isn't anymore than a walk in the park. Watching the sherpas go powering past these "celebs" with bigger backpacks and carrying stuff on their heads doesn't exactly show them in a great light. You can see the guides sitting there thinking "Oh FFS.........."

It's great that they have all raised so much, that is very commendable, but a bit less of what a massive trial it is. At least that Alicia lass seems to have her head screwed on though.

1. No planning, all done for them.
2. No carrying, ditto.
3. Best support that money can buy.
4. Very easy to give up your time for charidee when you are paid a king's ransom for fk all in the first place.

Not really sure what they think they've 'achieved'.


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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pablo said:
as for "been there, done that" comments, well done, what you really wanted to type in your first message was that you have climbed kilimanjiro or some other big mountain but because you arent famous, no one gave a st. so you came here and whinged subtley telling everyone that you are just as good as them if not better because you didnt do it with a support crew of 80 and really you should just fk off.
Cor blimey guv'nor! That's a bit strong. I clearly stated earlier that what I have/have not done or may do in the future has no bearing on this. But, hey, thanks for telling me to 'fk off' for daring to hold an opinion contrary to your own. Your debating skills are clearly far superior to my own and I hang my head.......



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Thursday 12th March 2009
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elster said:
They climbed the 3rd highest mountain in the world.
Did they? I thought they walked up Kilimanjaro. Confused now.... confused


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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gobuddygo said:
Fair play they raised loads of money, but more respect to this climb
thumbup That's more like it.


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Thursday 12th March 2009
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durbster said:
Look at that David Attenborough, swanning off around the world, and all he's doing is standing around TALKING about ANIMALS! And he's got a crew with him to help him, you know, eat and stuff, and I bet he even stays in HOTELS sometimes! I am DISGUSTED by this! And then there's that Michael Palin, who has the absolute nerve to TEACH us about OTHER CULTURES. What an utter git.

And don't get me started on the BBC paying loads of OUR money to send crews and commentators out to report on the Formula One and other sporting events. HOW DARE THEY!

This thread has inspired me. These people must be stopped. Celebrities must not be allowed to appear on television or radio. The minute somebody becomes famous, they should be banned from our screens. And laws must be passed immediately to prevent anyone presenting an extremely successful radio show. This must not happen again. If I do not like somebody, NOBODY is allowed to enjoy them.

AAAGGGHH I'm SO angry and it is everyone elses fault. I'm going to go now and have a word with the lawn. It's GROWING in a way that I DISAGREE WITH!

Or I might just not give it more than a moment's thought and read a book instead.

Edited by durbster on Thursday 12th March 23:29



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234 months

Thursday 12th March 2009
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jimbo65 said:
andy400 said:
This comic relief malarkey. It's on in the office - my assistant wanted it on and I am far too generous.

I know it's for a good cause, but I've really not seen anything quite so pathetic in my life. Every day I am subjected to the ridiculous vapid nonsense of 'celebrities', is another day when my hatred for them increases exponentially.

Oh yes, and Chris Moyles is a talentless obese disgusting oik.

Just thought I'd share.
Got the message now?
What message?

(Clearly not...)


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234 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?
There it is again! That phrase that keeps popping up in various forms - translates as "If you don't agree with my opinion, you're obviously just wrong/stupid/drunk/slow/all of the above."

I'm going to join in! Giving your money away just because some nonentities walked up a hill and were filmed doing it is very silly. What else needs to be said, unless you're a gullible, easily led imbecile?




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234 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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jimbo65 said:
andy400 said:
Disco_Dale said:
What else needs to be said, unless you're just a whining sh*t?
There it is again! That phrase that keeps popping up in various forms - translates as "If you don't agree with my opinion, you're obviously just wrong/stupid/drunk/slow/all of the above."

I'm going to join in! Giving your money away just because some nonentities walked up a hill and were filmed doing it is very silly. What else needs to be said, unless you're a gullible, easily led imbecile?


So how much money did you raise for charity when yo climbed to the moon!more than these guys I guess

I have no comeback, because your post makes no sense......


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Friday 13th March 2009
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audidoody said:
pablo said:
as for the tax the millionaires comments, i dount anyone owning a yacht worth millions of pounds has the moral conscience necessary to give a flying about a kid in africa...
Apart from Bill Gates ($28,291,699,101) .. and John Caudwell ("Caudwell Children" ).. and Warren Buffet ($321,189,039) .. and Paul Allen ($798,183,920) and Michael Dell ($1,255,224,204) ... and Larry Ellison ($151,092,103) ... and Steve Ballmer ($23,449,783) ... and George Soros ($23,449,783) .. and Michael Bloomberg ( $132,045,031) .. and Ted Turner ($798,701,861) etc etc

How far does your flying about kids in Africa go?

  • (xxxx) charitable donations
Edited by audidoody on Friday 13th March 18:22
Bill Gates' net worth is somewhere in the region of $60-$100 billion and according to the above he has donated a total of about $28 billion to charity.

My net worth is somewhere in the region of negative £several thousand, therefore by my reckoning if I give so much as 1p to charity I am proportionately giving more of a ff about kids in Africa than Bill Gates does.


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Friday 13th March 2009
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audidoody said:
andy400 said:
My net worth is somewhere in the region of negative £several thousand, therefore by my reckoning if I give so much as 1p to charity I am proportionately giving more of a ff about kids in Africa than Bill Gates does.
I'd say you're wasting your potential. With an ability to concoct that sort of logic you'd make a great politician
hehe Now there's a gravy train I want a seat on!!


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Friday 13th March 2009
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fadeaway said:
Given that Bill Gates setup a charitable foundation years ago, and has now given up his day job to run said foundation, I'd say he actually cares quite a lot about the kids in Africa (to use your specific eg). what have you done?

What I said was, believe it or not, tongue in cheek.

Shirley you don't need me to point out the silliness in comparing someone like me to Bill Gates?

Hmmmm, multi-billionaire gives up day job to run charitable foundation he's founded - ok.

Middle class bloke on fairly average wage and fair sized mortgage gives up day job to work for charity, runs out of money in approx. 3 months, has house repossessed, moves into brother's garden shed, eats bugs to survive - perhaps not.

I do a fair bit to support 'charidee' but exactly how much is for me to know as I consider it a distateful subject to discuss in too much depth. Just as I find much that is distateful in the whole celebrity 'Look at me! Look at me! Doing good things' charity bandwagon crap.

Oh, and before anyone gets entirely the wrong idea - again - I strongly believe charity is a good thing. However, I also believe that if it takes watching a bunch of 'celebs' doing nothing particularly memorable, or seeing shop workers unoriginally turning up for their days graft in their pyjamas, before you'll put your hand in your pocket for charity, then one should be asking oneself some serious questions.

Anyhoo, wtf do I know. I'm sure that in true PH style, somebody will be along in a moment to, rather than offering any sort of counterpoint or debate, just tell me to 'fk off'. rolleyes


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Friday 13th March 2009
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sevros1981 said:
andy400 said:
fadeaway said:
Given that Bill Gates setup a charitable foundation years ago, and has now given up his day job to run said foundation, I'd say he actually cares quite a lot about the kids in Africa (to use your specific eg). what have you done?

What I said was, believe it or not, tongue in cheek.

Shirley you don't need me to point out the silliness in comparing someone like me to Bill Gates?

Hmmmm, multi-billionaire gives up day job to run charitable foundation he's founded - ok.

Middle class bloke on fairly average wage and fair sized mortgage gives up day job to work for charity, runs out of money in approx. 3 months, has house repossessed, moves into brother's garden shed, eats bugs to survive - perhaps not.

I do a fair bit to support 'charidee' but exactly how much is for me to know as I consider it a distateful subject to discuss in too much depth. Just as I find much that is distateful in the whole celebrity 'Look at me! Look at me! Doing good things' charity bandwagon crap.

Oh, and before anyone gets entirely the wrong idea - again - I strongly believe charity is a good thing. However, I also believe that if it takes watching a bunch of 'celebs' doing nothing particularly memorable, or seeing shop workers unoriginally turning up for their days graft in their pyjamas, before you'll put your hand in your pocket for charity, then one should be asking oneself some serious questions.

Anyhoo, wtf do I know. I'm sure that in true PH style, somebody will be along in a moment to, rather than offering any sort of counterpoint or debate, just tell me to 'fk off'. rolleyes
Understand your POV - but if this is true, ANY celebrity or well known person who decides to try to do something for a good cause is doing it for a free "look at me". I think the problem lies with the general apathy that most folk have towards people who are less fortunate - if a fat bloke in some pyjamas dressed like a tt reminds me to put my hand in my pocket more often then fair play. I wasn't just inspired to give to a good cause by this whole Kilimanjaro thingy, but that I should get off my fat arse and try and raise some money myself. Good on them - it might not be a totally selfless act, but what is?
Well said. I think for me I am generally just disturbed by just how many people worship these 'celebs' for no good reason, and this then links into the apparent fact that the same number of people appear to need to be spurred on and 'entertained' by the aforementioned 'celebs' before they'll do anything for charity. Not me, not you, nor lots of others, but far, far too many.

Then I start to think about the 'celebs' and what they are 'giving', and all it really amounts to is some of their time, which, when you have a very comfortable existence, is easier to give than for most people. That they get their 'profile' raised at the same time, also can't be ignored. Fair play and bravo to those that genuinely want to do good, but how do we know which?

On the other hand, and I'm arguing with myself now, if Comic Relief bks is the only way that the airheads and ignorant will be encouraged to give and help, then hey - let's do it twice a year and bring on the Everest trip............


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Friday 13th March 2009
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sevros1981 said:
Thats it - I have my inspiration. I'm going to kick my Mrs back doors in tonight. Will anyone sponsor me?
Hell yes! I've got 10p with your name on it.

I'll need proof though....... scratchchin


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Sunday 15th March 2009
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JonRB said:
I'm just off to find a local school who did a Sponsored Swim and tell them that Duncan Goodhew could out-swim them any day.
You !


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Sunday 15th March 2009
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fridaypassion said:

Who went up K2? Have I missed something?

I don't think we'll be seeing Moyles or Cole at the top of the world's second highest mountain...