Now Gordon wants your organs


Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Monday 17th November 2008
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Practically State ownership of your organs now - when will we say enough is enough?

Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Monday 17th November 2008
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tinman0 said:
Bing o said:
Practically State ownership of your organs now - when will we say enough is enough?
Yeah, we've done this one on PH before, and although I agree with you, you are in for a bumpy thread wink Prepare to be murdered by the keyboard warriors.
I just want to make my own choices in life rather than have the state still interfere when I'm dead.

Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Monday 17th November 2008
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10 Pence Short said:
It isn't for the state to assume ownership of bits of me. It's for me to make the proactive choice.

Typical that a think tank set up to give an opinion decides it's not a good idea, so Brown decides he wants to ignore it anyway.
Let's assume that 70% of people opt out - that also creates yet more civil service non-jobs processing opt out forms to be then left on a database in a tapas bar somewhere.

I am more than capable of making morally correct decisions about what to do with my body, I am just sick to death of this government poking it's odious totalitarian fingers into my personal space.

Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Monday 17th November 2008
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tinman0 said:
Plus the whole "brain dead" thing isn't exactly as clear cut as people want to make out either.
Our PM Is walking proof of that....