Missing lad in Tenerife



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187 months

Thursday 20th June
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Now i was thinking poor chap etc and feeling for the mother etc then i read this that had been posted on a post on Bookface.


Hes lost
Hes been kidnapped
held hostage etc seems all very movie like to me.


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3,200 posts

187 months

Thursday 20th June
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captain_cynic said:
Anyone checked Elevenerife?
He is some miles away so maybe a good idea


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3,200 posts

187 months

Thursday 20th June
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g4ry13 said:
I was wondering why there wasn't a thread already going.

It does seem that his past is rather unpleasant and he got off rather light for the crime.
My thoughts exactly, but looks like we're not alone in a lack of sympathy


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3,200 posts

187 months

Friday 21st June
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Llandudno said:
The Facebook groups on this are absolutely batst.


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3,200 posts

187 months

Friday 21st June
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Luke. said:
2HFL said:
Apparently it’s to support their living costs while they look for him…
Where the fk are they staying?
If you read the drivel on facebook its to pay his drug debts or hers one or the other..

Shes lying like a cheap watch at any chance she gets..

Mothers convinced now hes been kidnapped rather than just got his sorry ass lost!

The facebook experts are fully invested in this one down to how many holidays this Lucy has had in the last 3 years, they ve alll decided shes now a drug runner!!

Its quite amusing to be fair.


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3,200 posts

187 months

Friday 21st June
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Have another



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3,200 posts

187 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Chicken Chaser said:
airbusA346 said:
Looks like it has been deleted.
Suggests he's involved with the mafia in drug dealing along with the girl who spoke to the media but wouldn't show her face. By all accounts the young lass and the mother both know the real story and it isn't what the media is reporting. He's responsible for some "gear" which has disappeared, probably quite a lot of it up his own nose.
Yea I've seen this, the girl him and a few others, all given a bag to sell...

He apparently decided to "give" it to himself instead..

Bosses not happy so again apparently 🙄 they're holding him until they get 30 grand, which is conveniently the go fund me figure 🤔

The mum is fully aware aswel according to the post.

So all they need to do is raise te money and draw ot out and pay them ha ha 😂

I'm sure these fine upstanding business operators will have a business account to pay it in to.

Again all "apparently" it's just what's been posted on a group on Facebook.


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187 months

Saturday 22nd June
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zetec said:
zarjaz1991 said:
Whistle said:
I bet he has a Surron E-bike at home.

Salt of the earth, life and soul of the party.
Wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Just a nice lad, may have once got in with a bad crowd but a kind soul really, etc etc
Promising footballer who goes to church every Sunday.
Was just coming to post "promising footballer"

Sadly beaten to it.

Look it stinks to high heaven the whole shebang, this lucy knows alot more than she's letting on and looking at his mother I reckon she knows more also.

All the heat this fiasco has put on the village I'd be surprised if he was still alive.


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187 months

Saturday 22nd June
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airbusA346 said:
Go Fund Me is now on £27k.

I don't recall it saying that 'Donation Protected' yesterday either and it said his mother was the beneficiary earlier too, but doesn't now. confused
Pablo Escobar Is now the beneficiary


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187 months

Monday 24th June
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phil-sti said:
PurpleTurtle said:
Much as I'm enjoying all the online memes and tempering it with the knowledge that this lad has form for a violent crime which means he's probably no angel, my inner decent human being is concerned for his welfare, a mother is missing her son etc.

So much of it seems dodgy though. This 'Lucy Mae' girl has a travel itinerary on Instagram that would put Alan Whicker to shame
Her doing an interview with ITV but not to camera, and coming up with this GoFundMe for £30k (a large amount, with and unspecified justification) just smacks (no pun intended) of them trying to raise ransom cash.

Rumours online are that the likely scenario is that he's ripped off some drug dealers and they want their money back, she's done this in a naive attempt to raise that but not really appreciating that the spotlight of publicity needed to raise the money doesn't really facilitate a clandestine transfer of the cash to some shady underworld figures.

I'm sure the Spanish police know a lot more than they are letting on.
I don't get how "he has ripped off drug dealers and this is an attempt to raise ransom money" is a more obvious scenario than the lad has got smashed, gone back to a house for afters, not realised how far the house is away and has come a cropper in an unfamilar area"

I mean if the first one is true it will make a cracking netflix documentary.

People seem to think because he got involved in shenanighans when he was 16 and partakes in a bit of party powder that he is accringtons version of scarface smile
The ripped off drug cartel comes from this Lucy and her well travelled past, the scenario is she's a drug runner, recruited said wannabe gangster wanting to earn some money.

But he chose to snort more than he sold then lost the remainder, hence where all the speculation about the 30k being a ransom after all Lucy was the one who set the GFM up in the 1st place.

Now IF that is the case it shows how bright she is thinking a 30k GFM would not raise and suspicions then throw in his some what attractive past.

Why didn't he go back to the house where these 2 lads took him?

Why didn't he stay on the road??

His phone can ping anywhere it's been chucked doesn't mean he ll be with it,but all accounts he was wasted.

If its drugs amd the 30k Is for them does GFM do cheques or bank transfers.


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3,200 posts

187 months

Tuesday 25th June
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The latest installment is his mum is apparently the half sister of Karen Matthews, her who hid her daughter in the bed.


Original Poster:

3,200 posts

187 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Alex Z said:
cossy400 said:
The latest installment is his mum is apparently the half sister of Karen Matthews, her who hid her daughter in the bed.
Any evidence of that?
Just another Facebook post so could be irrelevant but you never know


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3,200 posts

187 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Ari said:
cossy400 said:
The latest installment is his mum is apparently the half sister of Karen Matthews, her who hid her daughter in the bed.
And you just believed that and are now repeating it?
Yep because I believe everything I read on Facebook as I'm 5 yrs old.

It joins the list along side
Drug deals
The holes in Lucy's speech
His Instagram is being used

I'm sure I've missed some also.


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3,200 posts

187 months

Yesterday (11:48)
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98elise said:
TonyToniTone said:
carl_w said:
rallycross said:
The police said 6 volunteer People turned up to help in the search today
The father has complained that none of them were English. Four Spaniards and two Germans I think.
That's not true, he said he was disappointed that not many brits had volunteered to help.
Which puts a completely different slant on it, and far more likely.
What was he expecting?

People have to work etc

lets see what happens now with the GFM