Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Poll: Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Total Members Polled: 674

Conservative: 16%
Labour: 27%
Reform: 30%
Lib Dem: 10%
Indy: 2%
Green: 2%
SNP: 1%
Not Voting for any of 'em (Stay At Home): 7%
Spoil Paper: 5%
Plaid Cymru: 1%


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
So, with a couple of weeks or so to go, and after a few people have suggested, we now have a new poll with the same options now we are only a couple of weeks away!

Get to it!


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Still haven't even decided yet tbh.

The last few weeks, none of them have really been that inspiring!


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
valiant said:
S600BSB said:
Man up and vote Labour - you know you want to really!
Man up and vote tactically!

I want to see the Libdems as the official opposition if nothing else than to see NP&E explode.

C’mon 119, surely for that alone it’s worth it?
I think the real explosions would be if Reform got in.



Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
B'stard Child said:
119 said:
We now have a new poll with the same options now we are only a couple of weeks away!
Not quite - SNP option isn't there
Would you like to borrow my spectacles?


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
B'stard Child said:
119 said:
B'stard Child said:
119 said:
We now have a new poll with the same options now we are only a couple of weeks away!
Not quite - SNP option isn't there
Would you like to borrow my spectacles?
Don’t need them now
Oh good, you found it.

Happy to help.


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Well, just spotted that Reform are ahead in our non scientific or representative of the UK voting intentions poll!


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Tommo87 said:
S600BSB said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
Reform in the lead.
The Farage magic is clearly working well!

Yes...I did write that just to trigger the Lefties. Calm down lads.
I voted Reform - worth it to see the old muppets like 119 jumping up and down and getting giddy!
I’m guessing you work in a role where people have to pretend to give a st what you think?

The back of your head must itch a lot, whenever you leave a room laugh


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Kermit power said:
Killboy said:
MC Bodge said:
Killboy said:
MC Bodge said:
No, reform. #takebackcontrolthistime


What exactly are you expecting to take back control of?

Edited by MC Bodge on Wednesday 19th June 21:00
Our boarders, waiting lists and excessive tax. Duh
Shouldn't you be voting Labour then? After all, they're the ones putting VAT on public school fees!


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
So anyone in Brighton voting for Steve?



Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

Tuesday 25th June
quotequote all
Hants PHer said:
MC Bodge said:
Hants PHer said:
So that's my 'vote indy' option dismissed then. I'm someone who definitely will vote but I don't approve of spoiling my vote. Looks like it's either hold my nose and vote Conservative (again) or vote Reform as a sort of protest.
What a choice to be faced with.....
Well, quite. White or wholemeal bread with your broken glass sandwich, sir? It's stretching a metaphor, but Labour or LibDem would, to me at least, be a broken glass and dog poo sandwich. I cannot recall UK politics being in a worse state than it is today.
Well said.


Original Poster:

7,352 posts

39 months

P-Jay said:
This is interesting:

I've always assumed that Reform takes the bulk of it's votes from disillusioned Tories (as well as all the right-wing weirdos) but this seems to suggest that their recent upswing seems to have come as the expense of Labour and the Tories in equal measure.

Friday is going to be a fun, exciting day on NP&E, exit polls and data is going to be pulled apart to 'prove' this or that, it's going to get very flighty as some of the hardcore go through the seven stages.
'Fun' is most certainly the correct word, and i have booked my front row seat in NPE already.
