“National Conservatism”



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207 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Still not entirely sure that this isn’t an elaborate trolling exercise, but it would appear that they are happy to form a grouping with a name which has unfortunate historical connotations (and which could be abbreviated to the “Nat-Cs”) and to start ranting about national identity, the threat of Marxism and the need for pronatalist policies. Perhaps Rees-Mogg can be forgiven on the grounds that it’s all a bit too modern for him, but presumably at least some of them are familiar with 20th Century European history?

It’s not a good look.




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57,064 posts

207 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
Winner of the NP&E tenuous connections award 2023 and it is still only May. Are the links to unfortunate historical connotations also as tenuous as 'Nat-Cs'? It would not have been complete without links to the rag that has just had to remove a racist cartoon from it's website. Well played.

I appreciate that you are precisely the sort of individual this wing of the party thinks will vote for them, but I honestly think you’d still defend them if Mogg adopted a Hitler tache and pranced around the stage goose stepping like John Cleese.

Hopefully they’ll get wiped out at the general election and return as a moderate, economically centre right and socially liberal party after purging the headbangers. They can all go join the NF and take their supporters with them.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
God no, I am a confirmed agnostic atheist with a strong dislike of most religions. I do find it amusing that the OP has bypassed Godwin's law by going there in his original post though. No doubt this group are planning ahead for the inevitable change to PR. some seem to be supporting when small parties like this will hold the balance of power.... see Scotland for details...
I didn’t go there, they did, with their bizarre choice of name and policies straight out of the 1940’s fascist playbook.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
Fascists calling their opponents Marxists and vice versa. Always good to watch.
Honestly. Just look at the historical precedents and the naming of the thing. It’s beyond satire. It’s like left wing students cosplaying Tories for laughs, but they’re serious.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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As a side note, Mike Godwin was talking about the descent into hyperbole of comparing anything bad to Hitler, not about the discussion of actual fascist ideology and rhetoric being used by modern day politicians - and is on record as saying so.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
Which ones in particular?


Invocation of Marxism as a bogeyman


I assume that I don’t need to evidence Nazi propaganda around nationalism and identity?


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
2xChevrons said:
Cultural Marxism = classic hard-right euphemism, beloved of Viktor Orban. A meaningless term that has its origins as a Nazi antisemitic conspiracy theory.
You sure about that? See

I'm not sure that a hard right American think tank spotting what it calls "Cultural Marxism" in the writings of an early 20th Century communist says much about the origins of the term?


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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s2art said:
Prefer something British? (with more depth)

Sort of missing the point - that's another description of the history of some ideas which are labelled "Cultural Marxism".

I think this is more what 2Chevrons was getting at;



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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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pequod said:
If the above policies were proposed by a political party and, in a free democratic vote, the candidates of said party gained the majority, would that be wrong given we are supposed to be a democracy?
It would be a sad indictment of the state of the country if it did. Also quite peculiar given that less than half the population describe themselves as "Christian" on the census, and that when you dig into how people answer those questions you get people who don't believe in any of the tenets of the religion describing themselves as such.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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pequod said:
Should they be banned from expressing these views?
Definitely not - it's preferable that everybody knows exactly what they are, and can judge and act accordingly.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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pequod said:
Would that include the Amish in America?
Have the Amish ever advocated imposing their way of life on anyone else? They don't even proselytize.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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cirian75 said:
They actually an USA think tank using local UK useful idiots
Including keynote speeches from two cabinet ministers and one recent cabinet minister and speeches from three MPs.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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I think the Tories have the same problem with these people that Labour had with Militant Tendency, and will end up having to do the same thing about it.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Birth rates decline when women have choices about how many children they have. Simple as that.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Just FYI being socially progressive and fiscally conservatives means you end up doing nothing. You need progressive economic policy to pay for progressive social policy.
People tend to say "liberal" rather than progressive in that context, and they're not talking about redistributive economic and social policies but about things like women's reproductive rights, LGBT rights, racial and sexual equality, tolerance, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, etc. They're largely disconnected from economic policy. There have been some very socially illiberal, very economically left wing regimes.


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57,064 posts

207 months

Wednesday 17th May 2023
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smn159 said:
bigothunter said:
smn159 said:
Not sure what point you are trying to make - Moggs religious fruit loopery is OK because a virtue signalling police chief said something about woke in 2021?

Are your views really that easily bought?
You trivialised being anti-woke. I merely highlighted that Manchester's population and chief constable did not agree.
What's anti-woke then? Being in favour of racial and social injustice?
Is it the Met?