Another dog attack



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10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Following another PH user having a serious attack earlier this year it was our turn last week

Two border terriers that were off the lead made a bee-line for our on-lead 14 month Lab Bruce , one jumped on top of him and the other grabbed his throat from underneath , lucky my wife was able to get them off but not without sustaining an injury herself .

The elderly owner was apologetic but didn't really accept responsibility claiming they were her daughters dogs and she didn't know they were aggressive

Bruce is fine with no long term effects it seems , still happy to play with other dogs and only really got minor cuts and a scratches

Unfortunately the wife didn't fare as well, a deep puncture in her palm and possibly a break in the hand so she is all braced up

Linked this pic as there is blood

Reported it to the Police via 101 and was called in to give a statement, apparently they will tell her off, warn her and get her to write an apology letter, which actually arrived ahead of time with a bunch of flowers which was a nice gesture.


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
How long until those dogs attack a toddler in a similar way? Why would they attack unprovoked if not for a pack instinct, can anyone say?
That was our concern hence we felt they should be reported


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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BoRED S2upid said:
OP what lead do you use? We use one of those retractable jobbies which is a pretty big piece of plastic. I’ve never been in your situation but I’m thinking that chunk of plastic would come in handy to give the attacking dog a whack with rather than risking your hand.
Conventional lead and collar but we do use a harness occasionally.

I would imagine it would have been quite difficult in the melee my wife described to aim something like that


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10,725 posts

205 months

Sunday 6th November 2022
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billbring said:
We already have a law that adequately covers the exact situation the OPs wife and dog unfortunately found themselves in. The police did (rightly) get involved – I don't understand why further laws would make any difference.

"It’s against the law to let a dog be dangerously out of control anywhere"

This means that any dog that could pose a threat whilst off-lead, must be kept on-lead in public. There is no need to put a blanket ban on off-lead dogs because there are plenty of owners/dogs that cause no issues whilst off-lead.

The problem is that a large proportion of dog owners aren't aware of or are blissfully ignorant to the current law. Perhaps more robust application of it is the answer, rather than further legislation.
The only reason the police took any action was due to my wife’s injury, the constable was under the impression that a dog on dog attack is not an offence so it’s not just dog owners that don’t understand the law


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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IANAL so just went off the TVP own website.

Leads have little to do with it since a dog off the lead may still be under control and a dog on a lead may not.

In this case I would argue that two dogs off the lead AND that the owner had no control over ie no recall, that went onto attack another dog and injure it would be an offence, irrespective of my wife's injury


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Friday 11th November 2022
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garythesign said:
I hope your wife’s hand is healing OK
It’s healing really well thanks


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Sunday 13th November 2022
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Seems fair to me , Bruce hates cyclists as well wink


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10,725 posts

205 months

Tuesday 17th January 2023
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Jaaaag said:
We had a staffie. Took very similar pictures to what you have just posted. Zero signs of aggression, then one day it just turned and attacked my two nephews, shaking and killing the 4 month old and putting the 18 month old in a coma for six weeks, needing skin grafts and living with behavioral and cosmetic issues six years on.

Therefore my opinion of strong dogs has changes somewhat, and I think that the stronger breeds should be at least kept on a lead and then not walked by anyone likely to be overpowered by them, its the moral thing to do, we have a choice to have a dog and then which breed to have, and need to accept the very real risks.
Thats awful


Original Poster:

10,725 posts

205 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Muzzer79 said:
Weight is irrelevant. A 10kg spaniel could do more damage than a 60kg St Bernard.

Licensing is the way forward, for all dogs, with policing.
Good luck with that, its a struggle to get rapes, robberies and burglaries investigated.

When it comes to damage I'm not convinced that weight is irrelevant.