The Non-Political Ukraine Help Thread

The Non-Political Ukraine Help Thread



Original Poster:

6,788 posts

118 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Please keep this none political and focus on helping forum members find help for families/loved ones during this time of crisis.

If you have any direct links or are able to share any news on the situation in certain areas that other members need help on, please discuss below.

MODS, please note this is to keep a concise thread away from the incredibly fast moving other thread, so please to not move or merge or delete if at all possible.

Mod edit to add: If you would like to make a financial donation to support the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, you can do so here. This is the recommended charity supported by the UK Gov.

Edited by Ben Lowden on Wednesday 9th March 17:20


Original Poster:

6,788 posts

118 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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InYaMooey said:
Info for anyone that needs it..


Sumy Region News, 3 March

After an aviation attack by the Russian forces in the town of Okhtyrka, the heating power plant and the railway station are destroyed. At the power plant, two dead bodies were found. One woman was rescued from under the ruins and hospitalized.

In Sumy, as a result of aviabombarding by the Russian forces, the heating and electric power plants are damaged - the fire started. Emergency services are working. No electricity in most parts of the city.

Near Moskovsky Bobryk, Ukrainian artillery forces destroyed a Russian tank convoy. Locals witnessed an artillery strike by the Ukrainians when the Russian convoy left the village. The information about the death of the Head was not confirmed.

In Sumy, the police arrested a man with illegal arms. Also a local precinct received a man and a woman that stayed outside after the curfew. At the moment, they are being checked regarding the cases of looting.

The Sumy State University informed that their foreign students have access to provision and are not requiring any humanitarian help.


Original Poster:

6,788 posts

118 months

Friday 4th March 2022
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InYaMooey said:
Mrs Mooey has spoken, Mothers bday today so extra pleased

Unfortunately only WiFi and electric back on no water or heating frown

Thanks to HappyMidget for starting the thread on my behalf when mention in the main thread.

Hopefully I won’t need to post for our benefit in the future and that if anyone else does need help they can find it in here and have the support/pms I have.

We have family in Kyiv and Dnep if we can provide any help ..

(Mods, how about a sticky so it doesn’t get lost? Hopefully won’t be needed for too long)
Awesome news! How is the situation there at the moment?