Missing lad in Tenerife



Original Poster:

3,201 posts

187 months

Thursday 20th June
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Now i was thinking poor chap etc and feeling for the mother etc then i read this that had been posted on a post on Bookface.


Hes lost
Hes been kidnapped
held hostage etc seems all very movie like to me.


12,584 posts

98 months

Thursday 20th June
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Anyone checked Elevenerife?


Original Poster:

3,201 posts

187 months

Thursday 20th June
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captain_cynic said:
Anyone checked Elevenerife?
He is some miles away so maybe a good idea


13,750 posts

129 months

Thursday 20th June
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cossy400 said:

Now i was thinking poor chap etc and feeling for the mother etc then i read this that had been posted on a post on Bookface.


Hes lost
Hes been kidnapped
held hostage etc seems all very movie like to me.
Very close to me that, i believe they were acquitted of attempted murder and found guilty of violent disorder/affray

Horrible nasty violent attack on a lad with machetes and and axe


17,419 posts

258 months

Thursday 20th June
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I was wondering why there wasn't a thread already going.

It does seem that his past is rather unpleasant and he got off rather light for the crime.


2,352 posts

94 months

Thursday 20th June
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The bit that amused me on the BBC article this morning was the friend he phoned saying "He's a sensible lad" when he'd phoned her with 1% battery remaining, which doesn't seem like the actions of a sensible person letting their battery get that low to me. Seeing the second story posted in the original post on here I now have even less sympathy...


3,180 posts

245 months

Thursday 20th June
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Unfortunately I suspect he has got lost and died of thirst in very unhospitable terrain.

He did ring up and say he was lost and thirsty with 1% battery.. frown

Poor bugger..


13,853 posts

168 months

Thursday 20th June
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I wonder why he went off with two men he didn't know to a house in the middle of nowhere. Doesn't sound "sensible" to me.

It's odd that the media aren't reporting his past. A quick Reddit search tells a grim tale.


1,093 posts

14 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Earthdweller said:
cossy400 said:

Now i was thinking poor chap etc and feeling for the mother etc then i read this that had been posted on a post on Bookface.


Hes lost
Hes been kidnapped
held hostage etc seems all very movie like to me.
Very close to me that, i believe they were acquitted of attempted murder and found guilty of violent disorder/affray

Horrible nasty violent attack on a lad with machetes and and axe
having read those reports , i cant help but think, oh well what a pity


41,894 posts

203 months

Thursday 20th June
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Bet the lad they set upon is leading the vigil for him, or laughing his cock off….


4,061 posts

50 months

Thursday 20th June
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Have they questioned Will, Simon or Neil yet?


4,490 posts

254 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Radec said:
Have they questioned Will, Simon or Neil yet?
It's Jay, he's most probably at Tenerife's most exclusive porn studios as the new lead actor.


2,723 posts

182 months

Thursday 20th June
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J4CKO said:
Bet the lad they set upon is leading the vigil for him, or laughing his cock off….
He is in prison for car theft


7,397 posts

39 months

Thursday 20th June
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Oh well.


Original Poster:

3,201 posts

187 months

Thursday 20th June
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g4ry13 said:
I was wondering why there wasn't a thread already going.

It does seem that his past is rather unpleasant and he got off rather light for the crime.
My thoughts exactly, but looks like we're not alone in a lack of sympathy

Its Just Adz

14,382 posts

212 months

Thursday 20th June
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He's been to a rave then gone back to a session with some lads, a few days later when they've ran out of coke and or money, he realises he is wrong side of the island.

One would think he would have the sense to go to a bar or somewhere he can charge his phone and get help.


10,656 posts

143 months

Thursday 20th June
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phil-sti said:
J4CKO said:
Bet the lad they set upon is leading the vigil for him, or laughing his cock off….
He is in prison for car theft
I'm trying to get my head round him going to jail for car theft (good result) and this lad and his mates not going to jail for nearly killing the car thief with machetes. I am all for rehabilitation, lots of people do stupid things when they are young but making a conscious decision to hit someone with a machete is getting pretty far down the road of no return, imo.


1,342 posts

44 months

Thursday 20th June
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I was near to Masca last week, as I did a long hike around a nearby volcano. I was actually planning on walking from Masca but the gorge was closed on the day I was there.

The terrain is massively unforgiving and dangerous, you’d be a goner very quickly up there if you took a wrong route or fell etc.

So his friend Lucy has just been on the BBC, but she wouldn’t show her face, why would that be? Bit bizarre… also calling for the British police to be out there helping?

I imagine the specialist teams on the ground will do a far better job, since that’s what they do every day.

In other news, police rescued a British woman who was about to jump off her 7th floor balcony while her son slept inside the room - https://www.canarianweekly.com/posts/National-Poli...

Brits abroad eh…

Edited by 2HFL on Thursday 20th June 19:47

BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Its Just Adz said:
He's been to a rave then gone back to a session with some lads, a few days later when they've ran out of coke and or money, he realises he is wrong side of the island.

One would think he would have the sense to go to a bar or somewhere he can charge his phone and get help.
Sense and youngsters don’t often mix. He’s thought it’s only 10 miles there will be a shop. Oh st there isn’t even any cars or houses.


10,394 posts

158 months

Thursday 20th June
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2HFL said:
I was near to Masca last week, as I did a long hike around a nearby volcano. I was actually planning on walking from Masca but the gorge was closed on the day I was there.

The terrain is massively unforgiving and dangerous, you’d be a goner very quickly up there if you took a wrong route or fell etc.

So his friend Lucy has just been on the BBC, but she wouldn’t show her face, why would that be? Bit bizarre… also calling for the British police to be out there helping?

I imagine the specialist teams on the ground will do a far better job, since that’s what they do every day.

In other news, police rescued a British woman who was about to jump off her 7th floor balcony while her son slept inside the room - https://www.canarianweekly.com/posts/National-Poli...

Brits abroad eh…

Edited by 2HFL on Thursday 20th June 19:47
Have a look on the FB group it's mental. People claiming the Spanish aren't doing anything.

The amount of armchair detectives thinking they know better than the Spanish police is mind blowing.