Another dog attack



Original Poster:

10,726 posts

205 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Following another PH user having a serious attack earlier this year it was our turn last week

Two border terriers that were off the lead made a bee-line for our on-lead 14 month Lab Bruce , one jumped on top of him and the other grabbed his throat from underneath , lucky my wife was able to get them off but not without sustaining an injury herself .

The elderly owner was apologetic but didn't really accept responsibility claiming they were her daughters dogs and she didn't know they were aggressive

Bruce is fine with no long term effects it seems , still happy to play with other dogs and only really got minor cuts and a scratches

Unfortunately the wife didn't fare as well, a deep puncture in her palm and possibly a break in the hand so she is all braced up

Linked this pic as there is blood

Reported it to the Police via 101 and was called in to give a statement, apparently they will tell her off, warn her and get her to write an apology letter, which actually arrived ahead of time with a bunch of flowers which was a nice gesture.


3,602 posts

117 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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That sounds nasty! Hope your wife recovers soon and glad to hear Bruce was not hurt badly.


180 posts

131 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Terrible. All easily avoidable if only the useless owner had the dogs on a lead.


7,081 posts

111 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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How long until those dogs attack a toddler in a similar way? Why would they attack unprovoked if not for a pack instinct, can anyone say?


Original Poster:

10,726 posts

205 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
How long until those dogs attack a toddler in a similar way? Why would they attack unprovoked if not for a pack instinct, can anyone say?
That was our concern hence we felt they should be reported


7,081 posts

111 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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liner33 said:
That was our concern hence we felt they should be reported
You definitely did the right thing!


1,057 posts

178 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Ouch that bruise looks like it came out as a proper whopper. I hope your wife & Bruce have no lasting effects once the visible impacts have healed. What a disappointing response from the owner/walker & police.
That style of attack gives the impression they have probably done it before


13,165 posts

238 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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moorx said:
That sounds nasty! Hope your wife recovers soon and glad to hear Bruce was not hurt badly.


6,978 posts

153 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.


15,093 posts

264 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
You right, that’s an unpopular opinion. None of my dogs have ever needed a lead to be under control.


7,851 posts

162 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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liner33 said:

Reported it to the Police via 101 and was called in to give a statement, apparently they will tell her off, warn her and get her to write an apology letter, which actually arrived ahead of time with a bunch of flowers which was a nice gesture.

You could ask if they could consider a Dog Behaviour Contact (basically a ASBO for the dog). They will have certain conditions attached. Always on a lead, only walked with a responsible person, maybe muzzled in public if deemed suitable.

That could prevent further issues. It can also be used if there is another issue in the future and they've not kept to it.


7,081 posts

111 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.


5,860 posts

53 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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2,709 posts

29 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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bmwmike said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
I'd vote for that too. Designated off lead areas etc.
Me too.


21,816 posts

228 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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My other half had a Border Terrier - it was extremely aggressive towards other dogs. I am told that this is quite common in the breed - not all of course, but many. It was fine with people, just not with other dogs. We kept it on a lead 100% of the time out and about.

Sorry to hear about your Mrs and your dog - not a nice experience for either.


2,170 posts

91 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Sad to read this.

Hope your wife’s recovery goes well

Bruce looks a lovely lad


12,054 posts

172 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
What an utterly ridiculous comment.


1,127 posts

221 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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QJumper said:
Me too.
Another from me. Default to on-leads in public and designate the places they can be off and just thunder through your picnic and jump at you and your kids etc etc.


7,081 posts

111 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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LordHaveMurci said:
Rick101 said:
Unpopular opinion in nation of dog lovers, I include myself in that.
Dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places. If you want your dog, however lovely to run around unrestrained, do it on your own property or at a designated dog park.
What an utterly ridiculous comment.
It's really not. What is ridiculous is having dogs off lead anywhere and without restriction regardless of the capability of the owner or the history of the dog.


6,978 posts

153 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Wow, more support than I thought and of course a few bites too.