Britain's youngsters amongst world's worst

Britain's youngsters amongst world's worst



Original Poster:

53,012 posts

189 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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A nation of bad parents: Britain's youngsters amongst world's worst for drinking, smoking and teenage pregnancy, warns the OECD

MAil said:
Drinking, promiscuity and a cycle of low aspiration mean Britain is becoming the 'bad parent' of the western world.
A vast study of youngsters' well-being in 30 industrialised nations ranked Britain among the worst for health, lifestyles and school standards relative to public spending levels.
Underage teenagers in Britain are more likely to get drunk than those in any other country, and the proportions of teenage mothers and single-parent families are among the highest in the survey.
In 'risky behaviour' - a combination of drinking, smoking and teenage pregnancy - Britain's performance is worse than all nations other than Turkey and Mexico.
Read more:
Politicians have their squabble at the bottom. But what is the real answer?


22,980 posts

221 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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...dunno, but the bloke in the picture appears to be in a rush to get home.


22,096 posts

232 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Halb said:
But what is the real answer?
Stop reading The Daily Mail, for a start.

And then remove some of the rights that have been mistakenly assigned to children (albeit with the best of intentions).

The road to hell, and all that.


19,926 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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National Service.


70,420 posts

235 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Is it because we have a Rights and No Obligations culture?


18,789 posts

234 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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So, a 'vast' study of youngsters eh? Couldn't they be more precise? A vast study of run-down council estate types for example? And this was performed by a 'think-tank'?

I quickly read the article and it seems to indicate that even though more money is apparently being spent on children's welfare, they are getting more and more stupid. This is despite the fact that year after year more and more children are getting A's and A*'s at GCSE. That's ironic isn't it. This government does indeed seem to be running youngsters into the ground.

However, what do people expect when youngsters are treated so namby pamby. For instance, I saw a report the other week which stated the reason why so many kids get drunk - because they are bored! Poor little soles eh, nothing to do.

As long as we keep wrapping kids up in cotton wool and giving them easy top-grade school marks this will happen. We ain't got much hope have we!

Saying that though, this is the daily wail after all. They don't seem to print much about the fact that there are genuinely hard working kids out there, you just hear about the bad 'uns all the time.


2,449 posts

192 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?


4,561 posts

251 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Very simple really. If you have a benefit, tax and legal system that penalises the good, rewards the bad and does nothing to stop the fallout then this is what you get.

The solution is equally simple. Stop doing it.

Binge drinking:
Send the bill for the NHS treatment, vandalism and clean up to the inner city pubs and clubs. Remove their licences for a week if it happens again.

Teenage pregnancy:
Stop paying child benefits. Stop paying maternity pay. If you can't afford a baby then get a job or get a husband to pay for you. This is how it worked for thousands of years so no nonsense about how women will stop having kids, they won't, they'll just have to do it at their own expense like all their ancestors did. Stop que jumping for council homes. Make all family benefits related to how much the woman and/or her husband have paid in via taxes.

Return to the old system and old marking standards. If not go to IBAs.

three strikes and you're out. Build more prisons if necessary.

Benefit culture:
Replace all benefits (from free bus passes to maternity pay, the lot, no sacred cows) with just two. One is a flat rate that every adult gets. The other is related to a simple set of rules based on circumstances and how much you have paid in via tax. No one gets nothing and if you pay more in you qualify for more if you need it. All unemployed to attend a job club 9 to 5 or lose benefits.

All of our nations problems are solvable, our leaders just lack the common sense, ideas, and courage to act.


24,438 posts

234 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Glassman said:
...dunno, but the bloke in the picture appears to be in a rush to get home.
Can't blame him...


16,160 posts

196 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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cymtriks said:
Very simple really. If you have a benefit, tax and legal system that penalises the good, rewards the bad and does nothing to stop the fallout then this is what you get.

All of our nations problems are solvable, our leaders just lack the common sense, ideas, and courage to act.
Agree with this.


19,926 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
The way I see it is that if the army is as good as it supposedly is, they'd be able to turn these morons into decent, hard working soldiers who could be utilised in the current foreign war zones.

Or, indeed, the Navy or the Royal Air Force.

Edited by lazyitus on Wednesday 2nd September 10:46


22,907 posts

247 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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lazyitus said:
JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
The way I see it is that if the army is as good as it supposedly is, they'd be able to turn these morons into decent, hard working soldiers.

Or, indeed, the Navy or the Royal Air Force.
The Armed Forces have stated that they do not want national service as it would reduce the quality of their troops.

Besides, I think the last thing we need is Jonny Cartheft and Billy Burberryhat being trained how to kill.

Edited by Marf on Wednesday 2nd September 10:47


19,926 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
Marf said:
The Armed Forces have stated that they do not want national service as it would reduce the quality of their troops.

Besides, I think the last thing we need is Jonny Cartheft and Billy Burberryhat being trained how to kill.
Have the armed forces really stated that ? Link ?

What would you two recommend as an option for these idiots, then.

Mr Dave

3,233 posts

201 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Marf said:
lazyitus said:
JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
The way I see it is that if the army is as good as it supposedly is, they'd be able to turn these morons into decent, hard working soldiers.

Or, indeed, the Navy or the Royal Air Force.
The Armed Forces have stated that they do not want national service as it would reduce the quality of their troops.

Besides, I think the last thing we need is Jonny Cartheft and Billy Burberryhat being trained how to kill.

Edited by Marf on Wednesday 2nd September 10:47
What I would do is set up a new uniformed service for foreign aid/disaster relief/building/support of the forces/enviromental projects projects that sort of thing. Troops in Afghanistan need people to help the engineers build fortificatons/roads/airstrips/clean out the toilets use these guys.

Aid to India? Nope we weill send these guys to build schools/wells/teach/medical care etc.

Gets the wasters of the streets/estates. Instills a work ethic and some pride in themselves, helps people in need, stops them claiming benefits, gets them some wages and cuts down on foreign aid.


3,097 posts

182 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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lazyitus said:
JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
Marf said:
The Armed Forces have stated that they do not want national service as it would reduce the quality of their troops.

Besides, I think the last thing we need is Jonny Cartheft and Billy Burberryhat being trained how to kill.
Have the armed forces really stated that ? Link ?

What would you two recommend as an option for these idiots, then.
Half the problem with "problem lads" is lack of male role models. In education, the "big dogs" (of which there are very very few) have no problem with them. I think it would work. If they play the game, they get to be the big dog. Win-win. There may be some attitude to start with, but they'd get it.


19,926 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Mr Dave said:
What I would do is set up a new uniformed service for foreign aid/disaster relief/building/support of the forces/enviromental projects projects that sort of thing. Troops in Afghanistan need people to help the engineers build fortificatons/roads/airstrips/clean out the toilets use these guys.

Aid to India? Nope we weill send these guys to build schools/wells/teach/medical care etc.

Gets the wasters of the streets/estates. Instills a work ethic and some pride in themselves, helps people in need, stops them claiming benefits, gets them some wages and cuts down on foreign aid.
Great idea.

And label it National Service, perhaps. Which, after all, is what it would be.

Edited by lazyitus on Wednesday 2nd September 11:10


2,449 posts

192 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Gedon said:
lazyitus said:
JJCW said:
lazyitus said:
National Service.
Why should the army have to suffer these morons?
Marf said:
The Armed Forces have stated that they do not want national service as it would reduce the quality of their troops.

Besides, I think the last thing we need is Jonny Cartheft and Billy Burberryhat being trained how to kill.
Have the armed forces really stated that ? Link ?

What would you two recommend as an option for these idiots, then.
Half the problem with "problem lads" is lack of male role models. In education, the "big dogs" (of which there are very very few) have no problem with them. I think it would work. If they play the game, they get to be the big dog. Win-win. There may be some attitude to start with, but they'd get it.
Girls are becoming worse offenders than guys tho, not sure how Daisy Teeny3kids would cope, or what would happen to her offspring while she was training.

Making a new service to build roads, make fortification etc in Afghan is an interesting idea... but then what would the Royal Engineers do now these new chaps are doing their jobs?


27,760 posts

222 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Asterix said:
Glassman said:
...dunno, but the bloke in the picture appears to be in a rush to get home.
Can't blame him...
Yeah, looks like the Rohypnol is wearing off hehe


16,160 posts

196 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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JJCW said:
Making a new service to build roads, make fortification etc in Afghan is an interesting idea... but then what would the Royal Engineers do now these new chaps are doing their jobs?
Supervise them?

I really like the idea of a National Service based on charity. You could even have those off work with disablities doing something productive like packing kit or sewing clothing. Allowing them to earn their keep and keep themselves productive.

I like it.


5,063 posts

204 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2009
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Asterix said:
Glassman said:
...dunno, but the bloke in the picture appears to be in a rush to get home.
Can't blame him...
.....only a sick pervert would want to shag a girl who was comatose and most probably smelt of vomit.....but there are some sickos out there.