G20 March through london.... Did I do wrong?

G20 March through london.... Did I do wrong?



Original Poster:

21,662 posts

197 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Ok... So I was made to join in the march by the other half.... I wanted to watch them go past and go to the pub, but nnnnnoooo!!! that wasnt allowed, I had to go and join her, after a bit of negotiation I do this and she has to do a tunnel run without complaining.....

So I was on the march and got to notice things.... firstly the smell of stale booze was unreal and if it wasnt that the smell of weed could make anyone high at a distance of ten paces....

I also got in a discussion with some of the folks there (before getting a bking of the missus)... and it basically transcribed that they thought capitalism is bad, bankers are wkers (i was a banker) and it should all be changed and that was enough of red rag to a bull for me and waded in 2 footed and said:

Me : why is capitalism bad?
Crustie : because it is the route of all evil
Me : but the evil capitalism is the thing that provides the people of this nation benefits and NHS
Crustie : but some people shouldnt be allowed to get so rich
Me : so you are suggesting that we should not allowed people to succeed and curb their desire and ambition.
Crustie : no but they should be paid so much.
Me : so you are telling people that they will not be rewarded for hard work and as such there is no point in trying to better ones self.
Crustie : No im not trying to say.....
Me : what do you do for a living?
Crustie : Im an activist for Climate change and against Capitalism?
Me : So in fact you are benefiting from capitalism because they in fact pay you in benefits
Crustie : What, no im not...
Me : who gives you the benefits?
Crustie : the government
Me : and how do they get their money?
Crustie : Err... the bank...
Me : Wrong its the evil capitalist companies... So in fact they are paying for you to stay at home and do nothing but bh and whine about the evil people that are paying you.
Crustie : errr...
Me : you talk about change and yet do you have any ideas on how to help or are you following the other sheep and just complaining about people who succeed?
Crustie : They should change...
Me : how?
Crustie : Errr... Im not sure... but they should change cause they are evil...
Me : so you are a sheep then?
Crustie : what...
Me : you have no fking brain for.....

At that point i was collared by the OH and cuffed round the head and told to behave and not antagonism the crusties....

I tried to behave but they are so fking annoying being sheep.... And as a result of these stupid people i got the cold shoulder for the rest of the weekend.... bastids the lot of them...

So how I dont think she will turn up on a tunnel run now frown


17,517 posts

215 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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I would get a new OH. She is obviously a sheep to be on that march.

What was she protesting for/against?

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

266 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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There is that crustie in a Ben Elton novel who is asked what his political position actually is and finally falls back on 'it would be nice if everything was nicer'. So even the lefties get fed up with them.


2,055 posts

237 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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I don't think you should invite her anywhere, ever again if she is following that lot. Pretty much sums up teh majority off them.

Maybe do some crustie-baiting on Wednesday after lunch


20,120 posts

218 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Are you going out with Crustie?


2,211 posts

206 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Good man Dupont - the great rioting unwashed rent-a-mob are all able to go on their rampages as they are funded by us, the tax payer. Try and start a discussion with them about it and they have no answer, just blustering rhetoric.

Shame about your OH though.


Original Poster:

21,662 posts

197 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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elster said:
I would get a new OH. She is obviously a sheep to be on that march.

What was she protesting for/against?
She doesnt like Climate issues, but understands capitalism as its human nature and not something that can change.... she now understands bankers and the situation that the country is in now that i have explained that to her and got rid of that stty brain washing the media has done...

Martial Arts Man

6,625 posts

191 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Dupont666 said:
Me : So in fact you are benefiting from capitalism because they in fact pay you in benefits
Crustie : What, no im not...
Me : who gives you the benefits?
Crustie : the government
Me : and how do they get their money?
Crustie : Err... the bank...
Me : Wrong its the evil capitalist companies... So in fact they are paying for you to stay at home and do nothing but bh and whine about the evil people that are paying you.
Crustie : errr...
I have been saying to my OH for a while now that it seems that "joe public" doesn't seem to grasp the fact that gov't money does not grow on trees.

It seems that as a result of state largess due to economic boom and cheap, never ending credit supplies, the less intelligent amongst us really have no clue.

This is what stops either party talking publically about cutting public spending; the great unwashed are trapped in this cycle of dependancy without any thought as to where it all comes from.

It's like kids who don't know that beefburgers come from cows.


7,449 posts

198 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Does your missus have a shower every day?


Original Poster:

21,662 posts

197 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Fittster said:
Are you going out with Crustie?
No.... she studies environmental impacts and asia.... so Climate is close to her heart... thats why she went.... she just chose the bit of the march that was near the steel band..... cause it was cool.... gave me many targets to pick on tho smile


12,755 posts

239 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Did you do wrong? Nope, bring it on.... the more we (collective term of course) stand up to these morons the better. People like these use fear, uncertainty and doubt to fuel their own political games. Its not based on anything specific, other than the manipulation of the masses and the pursuit of power.

Now, this is exactly what our political system does too, so we are just as bad to support capitalism for example, but at least we are a little more open-eyed about it, rather than blinkered and dim....


4,316 posts

215 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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No you did not do wrong at all. If only more people looked to educate themselves so well on the current 'situation'.


I wish it was like the old days where you had to bred from good stock and well educated before you could vote....annoys me that people that clearly have no clue about the real world are allowed to believe any old tripe they are told and then vote on it.


14,112 posts

214 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Sounds like you need to put your foot down a little harder in future.

All this talk of marching with 'the enemy' is tantamount to treason. Next time, it would be more prudent to watch motorsport, drink beer and eat fatty food whilst leaving the cars idling outside, the central heating running, windows open and all the lights on.

There's a good chap.



24,438 posts

233 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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deviant said:
I wish it was like the old days where you had to bred from good stock and well educated before you could vote....
..and male only - would solve so many issues! wink

Martial Arts Man

6,625 posts

191 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Asterix said:
deviant said:
I wish it was like the old days where you had to bred from good stock and well educated before you could vote....
..and male only - would solve so many issues! wink
Things have gone steadily downhill since 1928/1918.....

you might be on to something there.....



17,517 posts

215 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Dupont666 said:
elster said:
I would get a new OH. She is obviously a sheep to be on that march.

What was she protesting for/against?
She doesnt like Climate issues, but understands capitalism as its human nature and not something that can change.... she now understands bankers and the situation that the country is in now that i have explained that to her and got rid of that stty brain washing the media has done...
Well get her actively involved in the good environmentalists. Rather than the sheep that I like to call the Church of CO2, I believe Al Gore is the Religious leader.


14,031 posts

233 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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I got the feeling it was a bit like that... watching the news coverage on the TV, even their hand picked highest quality 'march activists' had me on the verge of punching the TV screen in an outburst against mindless, ill informed drivel.

Every one of the s was a different fking cliche too... thick spectacled greenie, over opinionated housewife, unemployed socialist, man who clearly just wants to protest about something without having any direct complaints...


11,618 posts

209 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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Anarchists are always fun - just punch them in the face and nick their wallets - it's not as if they can call the police is it?

The rest of them are easily wound up by accusing them of being fascists - which, after all, they are, as they have a policy of 'our way or no way', which is fascism...


8,597 posts

261 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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The only wrong you did was not stuffing your Black Amex down his throat and choking the whining Swampy while instructing him not to exhale so much Co2 into the atmosphere.


Original Poster:

21,662 posts

197 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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just got a call off the oh saying she had seen something.... was thinking 'oh fk'...... luckily it wasnt this thread she had seen...