Another embarrassment for Brown by President of Chile

Another embarrassment for Brown by President of Chile



Original Poster:

483 posts

198 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Yet another embarrassment for Winky

Chile's Socialist President Michelle Bachelet has told Gordon Brown that her country put aside money in the good times in order to spend in the bad.

It is a boast with uncanny echoes of exactly what David Cameron says Britain should have done but did not.

Somehow you just know he did his stupid smirk/false smile when she came out with that gem!

Edited by THX138 on Friday 27th March 20:22


90,809 posts

260 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Nowhere to hide, Winky...hehe


16,484 posts

249 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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It does actually seem as if Brown is deliberately touring the world embarrasing us all.

Surely he has about zero credibility with foreign leaders?


106,480 posts

265 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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The more the merrier.

Go Winky Go.

Don't bother coming back


13,204 posts

209 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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One of the commentors said:
One in the eye for Gordon
That one slipped by the moderators hehe


Original Poster:

483 posts

198 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Amazingly 'more' editorial attention from the BBC, not trying to sweep this under the carpet just yet


70,401 posts

234 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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He's dooooomed.

How sad, he waited 10 years for a job then discovered he was not only p**s poor in his old job but even worse in the new one.... No, really, it's sad..... No honest, stop laughing there at the back.... (well, I would be laughing if it wasn't the entire country he's managed to f**k up).


14,682 posts

216 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Sounds like we could have done with her over here.

Martial Arts Man

6,625 posts

191 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
He's dooooomed.

How sad, he waited 10 years for a job then discovered he was not only p**s poor in his old job but even worse in the new one.... No, really, it's sad..... No honest, stop laughing there at the back.... (well, I would be laughing if it wasn't the entire country he's managed to f**k up).
We all know people who have been over promoted in their jobs.

Gordon is just another in a long line of people who have had their dreams smashed by the reality of their incompetence.

Sad, but also very funny. (well, it would be if I wasn't British anyway)


2,047 posts

224 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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And the person that made this comment is a friend/admirer of Winky's ffs he's making the country a laughing stock; this G20 meeting he's hosting is going to be deeply embarrassing as well I fear. Oh no, I forgot, he's single-handedly "saved the world" hasn't he (his words) he really has become a megalomaniac control freak incompetent. You would think the Labour Party would do something about it but who the hell's gonna want the job at the moment???


106,480 posts

265 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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bluetone said:
And the person that made this comment is a friend/admirer of Winky's

Better than a twist of the knife from an opponent.


7,649 posts

204 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
He's dooooomed.

How sad, he waited 10 years for a job then discovered he was not only p**s poor in his old job but even worse in the new one.... No, really, it's sad..... No honest, stop laughing there at the back.... (well, I would be laughing if it wasn't the entire country he's managed to f**k up).
This was corroborated by the Financial Times earlier this week:

Financial Times said:
In the annals of a nation that has prided itself on keeping tabs on government debt since shortly after the Glorious Revolution in 1688, the state has never needed to borrow as much money. According to the Ernst & Young Item club, in the two years 2009-10 and 2010-11, the government will probably have to raise £350bn.

That is more debt bequeathed to its successor than the total borrowed by successive rulers and governments of Britain between 1691 and 1997, the year Labour was elected.


Original Poster:

483 posts

198 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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And Browns reply to the Chilean President woman

Yep, you guessed it....

"Mr Brown responded by insisting that the International Monetary Fund believed the UK was better prepared than most countries for the economic crisis."

What other countries?? Iceland???

Martial Arts Man

6,625 posts

191 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Soros says we "may" need IMF funding........he's hardly saying anything we don't already know, but it is interesting that the media are publishing more and more of these.

When the media begins to turn, that's when we know it's the beginning of the end for a gov't. The Times and the Sun are simply too powerful to be ignored.

Murdoch should move into Warwick castle....seems appropriate!

Edited by Martial Arts Man on Saturday 28th March 09:14

Martial Arts Man

6,625 posts

191 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Also, in today's Times (I know it's by Paris, who is a Tory, but nonetheless):

"I've just read one of the worst speeches by a British prime minister it's been my misfortune to encounter in 40 years following politics. Wilson had folksy evasiveness; Heath, wooden principle; Thatcher, tin-eared persistence; Blair, slimy charm. In every case you could tell why they'd got the job, even when you hated what they were doing with it.

But this? This hole in the air encased in a suit of clunking verbal armour? This truck-load of clichéd grandiloquence in hopeless pursuit of anything that might count as the faintest apology for an idea? Words fail me.

They certainly failed Gordon Brown, addressing the European Parliament this week. No wonder everybody's now watching the MEP Daniel Hannan's riposte, uploaded on to YouTube - for the sheer, blessed relief of finding anyone still standing as the grey ash came bucketing down. "


12,134 posts

251 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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THX138 said:
And Browns reply to the Chilean President woman

Yep, you guessed it....

"Mr Brown responded by insisting that the International Monetary Fund believed the UK was better prepared than most countries for the economic crisis."

What other countries?? Iceland???
A total lie then.


106,480 posts

265 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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groucho said:
THX138 said:
And Browns reply to the Chilean President woman

Yep, you guessed it....

"Mr Brown responded by insisting that the International Monetary Fund believed the UK was better prepared than most countries for the economic crisis."

What other countries?? Iceland???
A total lie then.
Total. Haven't the IMF said that the UK is a basket case? Thanks to BLiar and the Clown.


4,364 posts

211 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Would any Labourites care to comment? rolleyes ( laugh )