Monbiot speaks [some] truth???



Original Poster:

427 posts

254 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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It's an article in a paper I don't like, by a journalist who is a cock. But at least there is some reasonable ranting about that most odious of New Labours creatures: Hazel Blears.

Of course, said cock has to put in some waffle about global warming etc, but ignoring that its almost a reasonable read (not sure I can believe I said that). I do particularly loathe Blears though, so maybe its clouding my judgement.


36,010 posts

287 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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They should get married.

Nobody You Know

8,422 posts

196 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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I don't know who this Monbiot guy is buthe makes a good point.


36,010 posts

287 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Nobody You Know said:
I don't know who this Monbiot guy is buthe makes a good point.
Try a search on here, might turn sommit up......


6,249 posts

257 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Nobody You Know said:
I don't know who this Monbiot guy is buthe makes a good point.
If you knew I'm sure you would feel an overwhelming urge to kick him in the face.


So it's best for you, and your blood pressure, that you don't. Ignorance is bliss.



Edited by sstein on Thursday 19th March 23:13

Edited by sstein on Thursday 19th March 23:14

just me

5,964 posts

223 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Superb article.

Why is this guy so unpopular on here? Does he believe in man-made global warming?


14,626 posts

270 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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just me said:
Superb article.

Why is this guy so unpopular on here? Does he believe in man-made global warming?
He thinks all car drivers are baby eaters...


9,871 posts

246 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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God, I hope MBH doesn't see this, he will pop.


14,626 posts

270 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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just me said:
Superb article.

Why is this guy so unpopular on here? Does he believe in man-made global warming?
I can't believe you've been here for over 3 years and don't know about Monbigot...

just me

5,964 posts

223 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Have seen comments against him. Never really been that bothered to find out why. Figured he's a tosser of some sort. The article referenced here, however, is superb. It made me curious.

I have been on here for 10 years. Just didn't post earlier.

Edited by just me on Thursday 19th March 23:33


88,903 posts

287 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Maybe he was right about Blears but there's nothing about Monbiot that can't solved without a pick axe and his head.,


14,626 posts

270 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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just me said:
Have seen comments against him. Never really been that bothered to find out why. Figured he's a tosser of some sort. The article referenced here, however, is superb. It made me curious.

I have been on here for 10 years. Just didn't post earlier.

Edited by just me on Thursday 19th March 23:33
Lurking for 7 years? Has anyone done it for longer?

just me

5,964 posts

223 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Yes, but they are not speaking up! biggrin

This Monbiot guy, does he want all cars banned or what?


6,249 posts

257 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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just me said:
Yes, but they are not speaking up! biggrin

This Monbiot guy, does he want all cars banned or what?
He would basically want all car drivers flung in a pit of boiling water while their families watch. Also if you even think about earning a lot of money and don't give it all to the poor people he would expect you to be torn apart by wild horses and your cash distributed around to the poor people.


He was also a supporter of carbon allownces where if you have more money and want to enjoy that money, i.e go on holiday, have a nice car you would have to buy some carbon allowances off a poor person, since it's basically your fault for being successful and wealthy that they aren't.




88,903 posts

287 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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If you want another reason to hate this Monbiot man is he set up the TLIO Political Movement (This Land is Ours) - - which as you can see gives lots of helpful advice to the great unwashed about squatters rights and land invasion protests.

just me

5,964 posts

223 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Why doesn't someone shoot him and put him out of his misery? What a complete tw4t.


1,212 posts

215 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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bloody hell, good job I'm sitting down, I've just found myself agreeing with Monbiot on something. Right, where's me bottle of whisky and revolver, I feel a need for a darkened room.....!

Nobody You Know

8,422 posts

196 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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The great catch 22 is that us and the anti-car unwashed scum have the same view of spinless self serving politicians....

....Maybe it's only the politicians lack of back-bone and action that stops us all killing each other?


8,188 posts

246 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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schmokin1 said:
bloody hell, good job I'm sitting down, I've just found myself agreeing with Monbiot on something. Right, where's me bottle of whisky and revolver, I feel a need for a darkened room.....!



90,809 posts

258 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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just me said:
Why doesn't someone shoot him and put him out of his misery? What a complete tw4t.
They did...

They missed...


During seven years of investigative journeys in Indonesia, Brazil and East Africa, he was shot at, beaten up by military police, shipwrecked and stung into a poisoned coma by hornets. He came back to work in Britain after being pronounced clinically dead in Lodwar General Hospital in north-western Kenya, having contracted cerebral malaria.

In Britain, he joined the roads protest movement. He was hospitalised by security guards, who drove a metal spike through his foot, smashing the middle bone.

If anybody else is ignorant of the pointlessness of George Monbiot, here is some information...

Warning...Not Safe For Blood Pressure..