At last, someone standing up for Britain

At last, someone standing up for Britain



Original Poster:

20,819 posts

207 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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45,899 posts

192 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Article said:
But customer Mohammed Ahmed, 22, said people had a 'right' to speak which language they choose. "This is not right really".
Fine. Speak whatever language you want. Just don't expect to pick up your job-seeker's allowance or buy any stamps until you learn how to speak English!

Edited by V8mate on Thursday 19th March 11:44


11,239 posts

247 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Good lad. He is saying the right thing.

And what's more, he can say these things because he is not ethnically British. Put the same words in the mouth of a white guy and he would be castgated for blatent racism.



412 posts

185 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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seen this in the metro this morning. had to laugh like!


1,052 posts

207 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Saw this the other day, Good on the guy


2,199 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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zcacogp said:
Good lad. He is saying the right thing.

And what's more, he can say these things because he is not ethnically British. Put the same words in the mouth of a white guy and he would be castgated for blatent racism.

I agree....and i think that sri lankan dude just like many immigrants in this country have had enough PC bullst, the PC nonsense will change ones immigrants/ethnic population start making stands like this. Nothing wrong in saying I dont understand your language, please try some english to be served! Immigrants can speak what they want...but dont expect everyone else to speak their language...The language of England is English end of!


6,792 posts

235 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Seems like a good man, and a great addition to Britain.

More publicity about people like this(and there are lots of them) would help our society.


4,752 posts

258 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.


1,775 posts

198 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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article said:
As we talk in his shop, an Eastern European woman silently presents a £299 benefit cheque at the counter to be cashed.


45,899 posts

192 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
I don't think holiday-makers should be caught in this.


6,792 posts

235 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
They're on holiday.

Please list the countries you've visited on holiday and confirm you are fluent in every language of the host nation.


16,160 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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I wonder how many daily mail readers also believe that "a white man has no rights in this country". The immortal words, of the ignorant racist.

Sorry but I really have no time for the non-sense and hatred that this rag of a newspaper produces.


70,127 posts

232 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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A top man. And as noted above, he is able to say this because he is not a white English born and bred individual.


4,752 posts

258 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.


412 posts

185 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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MaxAndRuby said:
Seems like a good man, and a great addition to Britain.

More publicity about people like this(and there are lots of them) would help our society.
I kinda have to agree with this. What is british?

My dad drives a rover. He has worked for the same UK company for over 20 years, paying taxes etc. He goes on caravan holidays. He wears sandles with socks... the list goes on!
Was he born here? no.

Is the guy who doesnt work, claims benefits, but was born in Stoke more british?


6,792 posts

235 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.
That's a simplification. The problem is the resistence of immigrants to learn english full stop, and you know it.

Please don't call me thicko, I've been to known to cry at such a hurtful taunt.


8,212 posts

216 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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MaxAndRuby said:
BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
They're on holiday.

Please list the countries you've visited on holiday and confirm you are fluent in every language of the host nation.
More applicable to the ex-pats on the costa del scum, and all the Brits working in Dubai and Hong Kong....


17,202 posts

232 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.
no, but you would expect anyone moving to another country to make a concerned effort to learn the language..

unfortunatley, many brits in the south of spain dont realise this either..


16,484 posts

247 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
A top man. And as noted above, he is able to say this because he is not a white English born and bred individual.
You've hit the nail squarely on the head.

Hundreds of millions of pounds are spent annually on translation services these days. As far as I am concerned, if you come to live here you must learn the language. No debate.


57 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.

You brought up the point about holiday makers, I dont think anyone on here would expect holiday makers coming here to be fluent.

Most people would (correctly imo) make the assumption this was about people from whatever nation who choose to LIVE here and not then learn the language...

With regard to being fed up with PC nonsense a classic I remember from a few years ago was when my local council banned Santa's Grotto from our local shopping centre for fear of offending other faiths, i then heard a local 'Chav Dad' explaining to his kids how they couldn't see Santa this year because of the fking immigrants...

A prime example of how the PC brigade have no clue about the real world...