This is why we must never bring back the death sentence...

This is why we must never bring back the death sentence...



Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months


1,849 posts

201 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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He is due a fair sized compo I'd say.

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

220 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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From memory the figure can be around £100 a day.


15,421 posts

209 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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carter711 said:
He is due a fair sized compo I'd say.
Wasn't there a cap put on prisoner compo a while back?


9,335 posts

210 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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I totally disagree. The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed. However under my system this man wouldn't have been executed because I would impose the death penalty only in case where it can be proven without doubt that the person had done it and only in certain crimes, even certain degrees of those crimes.

One thing I forgot to say on the other thread about Britains decline is that I also think a large part of that is due to us becoming weak as a society, this is an example. It will probably be our downfall in the end.


19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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You could argue that he'd have been better off dead than spending 27 years festering over how to prove his innocence.

(although I doubt he'd agree on that this evening).

Saddle bum

4,211 posts

222 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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thehawk said:
.............The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed...................
I'm sure that would be your last thought as the trap fell away underneath you.


5,535 posts

193 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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thehawk said:
I totally disagree. The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed. However under my system this man wouldn't have been executed because I would impose the death penalty only in case where it can be proven without doubt that the person had done it and only in certain crimes, even certain degrees of those crimes.

One thing I forgot to say on the other thread about Britains decline is that I also think a large part of that is due to us becoming weak as a society, this is an example. It will probably be our downfall in the end.
I agree with you, it would be a lot easier to make sure the innocent people are not wrongly convicted with DNA analysis etc, the chances of getting it wrong are very slim, but still the death penalty should only be applied to the absolute worst cases e.g. serial killer


1,432 posts

204 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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One would question why he confessed to doing it in the first place...


8,734 posts

248 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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thehawk said:
I totally disagree. The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed.
Bet you'd disagree if that "odd innocent life" was yours/your parents/kids/best mate etc...

thehawk said:
However under my system this man wouldn't have been executed because I would impose the death penalty only in case where it can be proven without doubt that the person had done it
But he had been convicted *without doubt*. Anyway, how do you distinguish between *without doubt* and those with *a bit of doubt* ??? Don't answer this as it's a rhetorical question biggrin

I favour the current system, I think long term jail sentence is a worse proposition than death (see how many life prisoners attempt suicide! they obviously prefer that option) but also protects the innocent as it can be *undone* if found innocent.

v9 ogre

420 posts

187 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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OK a huge miscarage of justice.....However IMHO this guy always protested his inocence so he should not have been executed even if that was the law???? However if you have someone who is unequivably (sp) guilty ie Sutcliffe or Hindley, or freely admits to a heinious crime that is totally beyond doubt...... then death!!!!!!!!!!!!!


694 posts

214 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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If the conviction is based on conclusive DNA based evidence, then there is no reason not to have the death penalty.


14,626 posts

270 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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v9 ogre said:
OK a huge miscarage of justice.....However IMHO this guy always protested his inocence
Apart from giving the confession you mean?


13,262 posts

206 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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thehawk said:
I totally disagree. The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed. However under my system this man wouldn't have been executed because I would impose the death penalty only in case where it can be proven without doubt that the person had done it and only in certain crimes, even certain degrees of those crimes.

One thing I forgot to say on the other thread about Britains decline is that I also think a large part of that is due to us becoming weak as a society, this is an example. It will probably be our downfall in the end.
The whole idea of finding people guilty is that it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that they did it. If there's doubt why are they going to prison?

What's the point of the death penalty anyway? It doesn't seem to work as a deterrent any better than prison. Plus, in my opinion, as soon as an innocent person is killed you're no better than the criminals.

Negative Creep

25,055 posts

230 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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You're right, we should bring back the death penalty. After all, just look at places like the USA and China - they're pretty much crime free.

Oh, hang on a sec..........


18,231 posts

243 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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EDLT said:
carter711 said:
He is due a fair sized compo I'd say.
Wasn't there a cap put on prisoner compo a while back?
Don't think so. What they did do though was put a value on your board and lodgings because too many people were getting out on technicalities and claiming huge amounts of compo.

Death sentence in the US is only done for the most extreme crimes where there is no doubt though. And then they have automatic right of appeal and go through it over and over again.


9,335 posts

210 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Negative Creep said:
You're right, we should bring back the death penalty. After all, just look at places like the USA and China - they're pretty much crime free.

Oh, hang on a sec..........
Nothing to do with crime prevention. IMO these people have lost the right to live in a society and we don't need them anymore.


8,734 posts

248 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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v9 ogre said:
However if you have someone who is unequivably (sp) guilty
But they all ARE. Else they'd not be in jail. Proven without doubt.

I know what you are trying to say, and I agree *in principle* (although I still think there are worse punishments than death) but it is pretty much impossible to implement and impractical as you have to ascertain a difference between *guilty* and *definitely guilty*. We only have *definitely guilty* as our current system.

Hindley - now she was definitely a horrid woman, however I don't understand all the media furore over her given that Brady was far more the psycopath and actually committed the atrocities.


246 posts

198 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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hairykrishna said:
thehawk said:
I totally disagree. The odd innocent life is worth the sacrifice in comparison to the potential thousands of scumbags that could be removed. However under my system this man wouldn't have been executed because I would impose the death penalty only in case where it can be proven without doubt that the person had done it and only in certain crimes, even certain degrees of those crimes.

One thing I forgot to say on the other thread about Britains decline is that I also think a large part of that is due to us becoming weak as a society, this is an example. It will probably be our downfall in the end.
The whole idea of finding people guilty is that it is proved beyond reasonable doubt that they did it. If there's doubt why are they going to prison?

What's the point of the death penalty anyway? It doesn't seem to work as a deterrent any better than prison. Plus, in my opinion, as soon as an innocent person is killed you're no better than the criminals.
I am with you on this, despite the majority of PH's right-wing not being tongue out

But I do still think the death penalty makes some sort of sense, not morally no, but financially it'd save us a fortune, and by saving money on prisons we can redistribute the funds to help contributing members of society (although it'd surely go on benefits) but yeah, the problem is definitely doubt, even DNA evidence could be planted by the right person, or a corrupt police force.

We're just lucky our police force isn't corrupt - aren't we?


35,295 posts

261 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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mickken said:
10 Pence Short said:
From memory the figure can be around £100 a day.
WOW....he's lived free too. Hasn't even even paid for food.
that's why Gordo's moron crew will deduct a sum for food and lodging from his compensation.